
Tuesday 22 October 2013

Bean & Saus (V&GF) Stew with Cauli Mash

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

KORN & Amy Lee ~ Freak On A Leash
Barclay James Harvest ~ Rock and Roll Woman
Birdy ~ Wings
Janiva Magness ~ It's Your Voodoo Working
The Pretty Reckless ~ Goin' Down
Airbourne ~ Hotter Than Hell
Texas Hippie Coalition ~ Pissed Off And Mad About It
Billie Myers ~ Kiss The Rain
Anna Nalick ~ Breaking The Girl
Timothy B Schmit ~ Friday Night
Billie Myers ~ Opposites Attract
Buckcherry ~ Talk To Me
Willie Nelson ~ Are You Sure
Foo Fighters ~ Drive Me Wild

Mashed cauliflower seems to be everywhere right now...and I've been wanting to try it and yesterday I felt it was the right time. I wanted to test out a recipe I'd had floating around my head for a bean and sausage stew, using the GF sausages that I enjoy. And usually the first choice would be good old mashed potatoes as an accompaniment but I'm trying to stay away from heavy starches. I'm also a bit of a purist when it comes to my foods so I have never liked the mashed veggies that have marg/oils/butter/cheeses/cream....yuck. I like my mashed potato just as it is...maybe a little black pepper...and I had a feeling it was going to be the same with cauliflower. All the recipes I'd seen had lashings of oil or vegan marg mashed in...and not to mention the ton of vegan cheeze. Fair play to you if that's your preferred just isn't mine.

So I started by steaming my cauliflower until just tender and then I stood, far longer than I should probably because I did have a couple of collapsing moments, mashing the cauliflower...and got nowhere. I kept on mashing but all I got was shredded pieces of cauliflower. It was at this point I had to go and rest...frustrated and disillusioned doesn't even cover it. I then did a little more research whilst resting...and when ML got home we both went at it. This time I went in with my hand blender and ended up with a lovely smooth and creamy mash. Success! lol. What a

The stew was just a simple recipe I'd put together in my head when sat writing up ideas when on bed rest. I loved the vegan/GF sausages when we made them and I had two left in my freezer. Kidney beans are one of my favourite beans and I am a sucker for a good tomato sauce. However, I did have a little moment of drama with the stew The sausages are quite delicate as they have no gluten in them holding them together so I urge you..if using the recipe I used to make your very gentle with them. Or you end up with more of a beany/hash thing. Doesn't really matter because the taste is great and you still get the comfort of an old classic dish without all the stodge that goes with it. I added steamed Brussels sprouts with mine because..well..1. I am an addict...and 2. see point 1. lol. They were the ones I bought from the farm shop on Friday and were divine.

Rocket & Roses Bean & Sausage (V&GF) Stew with Cauli Mash

Rocket & Roses Bean & Sausage (V&GF) Stew with Cauli Mash Serves 2
(Original recipe from the Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen)

I small head of cauliflower
1 tbsp of fresh parsley, finely chopped
freshly cracked black pepper

1/2 tbsp sunflower oil
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 tsp red chilli, finely chopped
1 tin of kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
1 tsp dried oregano
freshly cracked black pepper
freshly chopped parsley to garnish

Steam or boil the cauliflower until just don't want a mush..well not Then put into a bowl and with a hand blender break the cauliflower down into a smooth mash. Stir in the parsley and grind in black pepper and set to one side. You will need to heat the mash back up before serving. 

Heat the sunflower oil in a large skillet and then saute the onion and chilli until the onion is soft and translucent. Add the tomatoes and oregano and heat through. Add the sausage and kidney beans to the skillet and gently move them around in the sauce to get them coated. Leave over a low heat whilst you steam your side veggies and reheating your cauliflower. Season the stew with the pepper. 

Spoon the mash onto a dish and spread out then spoon the stew into the centre and then garnish with parsley. 

Gratuitous foodie close up...


Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Tuesday has been a peaceful one...
