
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Art: Ai Weiwei

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Audiobook: Pride & Prejudice

Well it is safe to say I am feeling a little sore and bruised today..not to mention embarrassed. I took a massive little tumble down my stairs...and yep..from the top step too. So I'm not in good shape physically and ML has overruled any kitchen work I am sat in my chair with my feet up and hoping that with some serious rest I will bounce back quickly. Feel like such a fool...what parts of my body that didn't hurt before...well they have now joined the pain party...*expletive therapy* This being the case I shall be bringing you the roasted veggie dish that I was going to make today...hopefully later in the week.

I mentioned that ML had just got back from work travels in Copenhagen. Part of the itinerary was to visit the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen. I was so A exhibit/sculpture left quite an impression on ML and so here are the photo and written piece that accompanies the exhibit. 

Tree ~ Artist Ai Weiwei

Artist Ai Weiwei


The large trees are constructed from fragments of dead camphor trees collected as a kind of ready made in Southern China and then joined together using a traditional Chinese method of construction.

Ai Weiwei is world famous as a political activist and a critic of the Chinese regime. The trees are rooted in the artists commitment to the political and cultural situation in China and to a specific Chinese context and cultural history. As artworks in a global visual culture and art history however they also reach out to a far wider space of meaning and imagination.

Is this a nostalgic attempt to rebuild a lost original coherence? Or a cynical monumentalization of extinct nature? Or a critical representation of how a quantity of individual parts are forced together and subjected to a system that attempts to look natural but is in face a huge controlled illusion?

In all their simplicity the trees are monumentally ambiguous statements and it is a very long way back to the innocent wild nature.

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen

ML also became enchanted by the expression in this piece but could not find the name of the artist but asked for it to be included in this posting...

Artist unknown

An interesting piece...the longer I look at it the more I see..but ML says it is the emotion in her face and the gesture of her hand. 

OK folks that is about it for today..I need to go and lay back down with a cold Hopefully be back on board tomorrow...

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Tuesday has been a good one...
