
Sunday 7 July 2013

An Almost Perfect Saturday...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Orianthi ~ Missing You
Missy Higgins ~ Forgive Me
Soundgarden ~ New Damage
Nickelback ~ Everything I Wanna Do
Garbage ~ It's All Over But The Crying
VAST ~ She Visits Me
Anna Nalick ~ Satellite
Beth Hart ~ Stay
Orianthi ~ Courage
The Eagles ~ Love Will Keep Us Alive
The Rolling Stones ~ Let's Spend The Night Together
Kenny Wayne Shepherd ~ Cryin' Shame
Katherine Crowe ~ Weakness In Me
Janiva Magness ~ Don't Do It

Yesterday I was a very lucky woman...I had one of those  almost perfect days. You know, the rare ones where nothing is really planned but you set off out into the world and somehow everything almost falls into place. Despite ill health being a real bitch pain I dragged myself through the whole day and enjoyed every second of it.

We started the day by putting together a picnic for myself, ML, my sister and her little ones. Then we all set out for the Country Park across the Bridge. The advertising had promised family activities and lots of fun. We enjoyed a great road trip there with N and M in the back of our car and myself and N torturing M with our Wooooo's as we turned However there was a little flaw in the plan...two huge car parks of the country park with one tiny Scooter park set up...and a couple of tennis nets set up next to it. And that was it...bummer. The kids were a little disappointed as were we. So we walked around and my sister was very happy to find a Ice Cream van selling Fat Free, Dairy Free and Gluten Free ices. And very soon we were walking up to the Scooter course..licking our way through our Ices. M and I chose Pineapple..whilst my sister and the girls had Strawberry. Delish!

M holding our Ices...N looking cheeky with hers and L looking
super cute with her ice almost as big as her! lol
When we made it to the Scooter course the ices were somewhat ditched and left melting in my sisters and my hands...lucky us. ML took N over to get togged up in the helmet and pads and she was very happy to find a purple scooter to take off on. Now our niece N is one heck of a Warrior Princess...and was straight in and onto the course but slightly older children intimidated her on the high ramps...but she did it and completed the course. M & L tried to walk the course and we gently discouraged to not do that. lol. Ooops.

Our brave niece Noo..shame shes
actually Ah well.
We had a quick stroll over to the Country Park to try and locate a play area for the little ones to let off some disappointed steam. M found an awesome 6 ft branch and was happy dragging it around with us. lol. We finally found some information and found a Phoenix Sculpture Trail which an acquaintance of ours had contributed to the sculptures. And the most beautiful Owl sculpture was sat next to this stone. (Sorry forgot to snap the Owl..)

One day...
Sadly I had to accept my limitations and to get to the lake and the play was gonna take a trek I wasn't capable of doing at the moment. But I made a promise to myself that one day I will. So we decided to decamp to the Foreshore and its little beach and play area.

Tinkerbell Sunglasses..don't ya know, Auntie R? lol
The temperatures were climbing all morning so by the time we got back to our cars we were all fading a little. N asked for her sunglasses once buckled into her seat. And I 'had' to take a quick photo of them..."..because they are Tinkerbell sunglasses don't ya know..Auntie R?" lol. Well I do now.

View from the parked cars...always happy when this side of the bridge.
The town we live in is the other side.
The little ones call the Foreshore Stoney Beach and love walking along the pebbles and the girls collected a few magical stones for my collection. lol. M chose to adventure alone and actually took some time to make a mini mural for me...but sadly the photos didn't show it up well enough..but safe to say this Auntie suddenly found she had some 'grit in her eye' Ahem. Cute kid that one. Once we had ventured far enough down, we reached the wooded play area and the little ones ran off with happy smiles. I made my way to the one picnic table and collapsed onto it sat down at it and staked our claim lol. I enjoyed the constant calls of "Watch me Auntie R..." from all around and laughed as my poor sister was standing with her heart beating out of her chest as the littles took on all the climbing Evil sister aren't I? And ML was kept constantly busy with holding hands and helping.

Cheeky little monkey M at the top of the very large roped climbing frame.
M was very proud of himself as he could only get half way up this climbing frame the last time we were here. One happy kid..

Ummm climbing frame Frizbe...not sure that was
a good idea. lol
ML even got in the Climbing frame action but commented later..."Roped climbing things and me are not meant to be..." lol. Shame because I would've been at the top with M if I could.

Then we stopped for the picnic...and obviously the family all enjoyed their non vegan this is what I had. Olive Pate and Baby Rocket and Leaves Wraps.

Step One: Schmear the pate over the wrap
Step Two: Liberally toss on some leaves
Step Three: Fold them up and stick em in a tub.
They were delicious and washed down with ice cold water. Once the picnic had been devoured and it It was just so good to be sat in fresh air with a gentle breeze on us all and feeling the sun. Lovely. There was some more play time for the little ones and another stroll along the Foreshore. We sat admiring the view and enjoying the water as the little ones played and then we decided that it was getting way too hot and took a short ride to a Play Pub so we could all enjoy ice cold drinks and maybe some dessert. And what do you know I found somewhere that sells refillable espressos....dangerous!!! lol. The little ones enjoyed the indoor and outdoor play areas whilst we recovered inside. Buoyed up by my double espresso and copious amount of iced water...we once again gathered the rather hot and tired little ones and headed back out to the cars. Poor little loves dragged their tired little feet back to my sisters car and we hugged and set off for the next part of our day. But what a great start...but then spending time with my sister is never hard...I love it.

So part two of our Saturday. One of the parks in the city was hosting an Arts In The Park event. Now I have to go to these events...I love Art so I am always happy to wander around looking at the pieces on display. And there was Live music to be had...poetry to listen to..lots for families attending. And we were going with our good pal we hotfooted across the city to meet her. We were also lucky to be joined later by our good pal and Guest Host Dev who was freshly back from the adventures in Norway.

Now the park was busy but not overcrowded and it was easy to enjoy the stroll around the Art Marquee and I found two pieces that needed to be hung on the walls of my next office. lol. I resisted temptation and we made our way around the stalls and activities and even bumped into a friend from the town who has started her own Yarn business and Spinning Classes. I enjoyed a catch up with her and was happy to hear her Degree was a 1st and that the business was slowly building up. Lovely woman. We also bumped into another friend who was there with her pottery..(how I never buy her entire stock is a shock to me being the Pottery junkie I and then we finally decided to just set up a little area and enjoy the music on offer.

View from where we
There were two music stages which was to be honest was a little confusing as they were very close to each other..that would be my only criticism of the event...they had plenty of room to spread them further out. But we coped...all of us being Live music fans.

The small stage...on stage Jodie Mackenna..a very talented up and
coming local dude done good. His set was great and so captivating
you forgot these was another stage.
Jodie is the son of C's friend and her and A have seen him Live many times and I was very happy to have seen and heard him and hope to do so again...soon.

Our view of the main stage...which sounded great...and we enjoyed.
Ooh sneaky C got in this shot...lady with white polo shirt walking
towards us on the right. Take a bow lovely! lol
Dev had taken her lovely dog Ella back home by this point as she was getting very excited and wanted to play with all the other dogs. So after a fantastic time, relaxing and listening to the music..and I also checked out the poetry....we packed up and made our way back through the park to the Art Marquee and look what snuck its way into my hands to be packed up on

Woman with Guitar by Phil Watson 2013
I love this piece...the photo doesn't show the depth of colours and the beautiful detailing. I cannot wait to get it framed and hung..although I'll have to be patient (HA!) to see this happen. Ah well.

Once back at C's and enjoying some cold drinks...we sat and discussed our favourite lol. And then it was time to eat and shortly after Dev joined us and we enjoyed a meal together...and Dev and I enjoyed the Edamame Bean Burgers she made for us both! Beautiful..they looked great and tasted even better.

Now if I said the rest of the evening was stress free I would be a liar. As I'm not...I'll confess I had pushed my body a little too far and was quite ill the rest of the night. But I didn't let that stop me in any way. Oh no!

A rough example of Devs adventures...
I mentioned earlier in the post that Dev was back from a great how happy was I that she was brimming over with the happenings on this trip she had taken with the lovely B and Devs Mum. So the evening was very chilled with tales of Norway and the music supplied by C. The evening was one of those last minute but awesome nights with nothing to rush home for and every opportunity to just enjoy it. And we even got super cute gifts...check these out...

Troll bookmarks and a Polar Bear Cookie Cutter.
Thank you D & B. xxx
The evening drew to a natural close around 11 and although I was utterly exhausted, it was worth it. A day surrounded by the people who make my life happier by simply being in it. How could I regret it? ML got to relax and enjoy a snooze in the sun. Even if a little one kept bouncing his ball near us. lol. It's the key...isn't it? The connections..

So a huge thank you to all who participated and those who weren't with us this day...we'll catch ya on the next almost perfect day.

Thanks for stopping by and I truly hope your weekend has been full of almost perfect moments....
