
Monday 13 May 2013

Monday Catch Up and the Missing Days...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

The Fun Boy Three ~ Our Lips Are Sealed
The Smiths ~ Vicar In A Tutu
Halestorm ~ Bet Ya Wish Ya Had Me Back
Bowie ~ Sound and Vision
Natalie Merchant ~ Frozen Charlotte
Garbage ~ Happy Home
Lenny Kravitz ~ Just Be A Woman
Brandi Carlile ~ Again Today
Alison Moyet ~ Love Resurrection
Natalie Imbruglia ~ I Won't Be Lost
Kylie Minogue ~ Confide In Me
Audioslave ~ Slave Of The Summertime
VAST ~ Somewhere Else To Be
Anna Nalick ~ Breathe

Hello folks..I apologise for being away these last 5 days...where to start? OK put simply I suffered a massive loss from my life on Wednesday. Nobody died but the personal loss to me was as great. So I just needed a few days try and hold it together. And as you can imagine after 5 days I am still raw...still blindsided...but I am dealing a little more every day. And out of respect for myself I will say no more on this matter. But felt I needed to explain my absence and wanted to be as honest as possible.

So from Friday it was all about distraction and comfort. ML is working hellish long hours at the moment but as soon as the working week was done we jumped into our car and took a ride out to escape the torment of the house.

Let the healing the always..
We ended up at the sea and spent some serious healing time watching those waves, smelling the salt air and just breathing. Deep healing breaths. And then we took a slow scenic drive back home.

Hugs a plenty
There have been many sad moments over the weekend and thankfully ML has been generous with hugs and an understanding ear.

Artist in Isolation ~ Katherine Howard
As usual I always seem to find pieces of art that seem to capture my current state of mind and this piece by Katherine Howard did just that.

Saturday was the major distraction day because I had to be once again away from the house and the reminders. So ML saw this as the perfect chance to use some Christmas movie vouchers and we saw the morning viewing of the new Star Trek movie...Into Darkness.

So very good...
Now you folks know I am no Geek but I certainly got in touch with my inner geek watching this movie. The special effects are awesome, the humour was top class (didn't think anything could make me smile or laugh at that moment but it did!) and the story was great. Personal favourites....Spock..loving Zachary Quinto's take on him...Khan..Benedict Cumberbatch was one seriously cruel bad ass. lol. Oh and Simon Pegg was his usual comedic

After a quick keep ML's energy levels up, poor thing. We pootled around the area of the city we are hoping to move to and was happy to find more properties up for Let. Then we visited the wholefood shop Grain and I went into the Hippy Dippy (actually called Zebra) shop as we call it. ML stayed outside because of the incense that was burning. This little shop was where I found my new purchase.

Silver Tree Ring...sorry about the photo..shaking is a bitch right now.
I was in need of a new thumb ring and as I was leaving the shop I noticed this little thing sat alone in a box under the glass counter. And instantly knew this was the one. It's very symbolic...right now I am a felled tree..missing the strength but I am strongly rooted and I will grow back into the strong feisty woman I am. Eventually. But it will take time...

From the walk around the little shops we were then friends bound. B's birthday presents had finally arrived (Urgh Amazon) and we wanted to visit and give them to her. And I did have a slightly selfish motive. I find I am calm around D & B and I needed some time with them.

Zen time with pals is a must
We enjoyed catching up...listening to Beethoven piano sonatas and B loved her presents..phew! lol. And from there we headed home...and I really didn't want to go back there. I am most definitely done with living in that house and that town and just need to be in the city amongst our friends now. The big push for packing up everything starts this week. And I cannot be happier about that...I need the fresh start...escaping what could have been for what is to be.

Music has been difficult to listen to the last few days..too many memory attachments so if I have listened to music it has been classical. However I did find a new band..or
I had watched a movie called We Are The Night..and one particular song from the soundtrack hit me hard and from a search for it I began to feel some deep attachment to the lyrics and the accompanying tunes. The band are called VAST and so far I've listened to three of their albums and haven't been disappointed yet. Two more to 

The song that started the addiction...Pretty When You Cry
If you haven't experienced them yet I urge you to give them a try. ML was surprised I liked them so much. Jon Crosby is a seriously talented muso. I couldn't adequately describe their music so I shall leave it to the Wiki quote that

"VAST's sound is identifiable as ambient electro-rock with considerable industrial and acoustic influences, usually made with Crosby's traditional acoustic guitar, electronic instruments and processing, drum-driven tracks, and heavy bass" Sunday was a tough day. The morning I was in bad place but ML was right there and helped me into the afternoon activities which was celebrating another good pals birthday..this time it was the lovely Dog Guru A's turn and Archie was invited along too. However I'm sure in his head...we were allowed to tag along with him on his invite. Cheek! lol. It was supposed to be a BBQ but in true English weather style the heavens opened on us. We did have enough time to cook off vegan and veggie sausages and veggies. And those strange meat eaters even managed to get their food cooked too. And then the gathering stayed in It was a lovely afternoon with the gang...and A enjoyed herself and loved her pressies.

Lots of laughter was had and the fourlegged family were only too
happy to help A open her pressies.
Lady Ella pictured above stayed around for the opening of the luxury bath salts....but then when A picked up the wrapped luxury chocolates suddenly Archie was right there!

Yes Archie thank you for the help..but NO! No chocolates for dogs!
Just realised I'm in this shot..well my baseball boots at least lol.
There was great food and I drank so much..but the most important part was time spent together. Personally I needed that more than anything. So thank you A for having a perfectly timed birthday celebration.

So that was my missing days. In all honesty I am hurting and will be for some time to come. There maybe be periods where I disappear again but I will come back. And thank you loyally coming back every day.

I will be back with food related postings as soon as I can.

I hope your week is sunny enough to make you smile and peaceful on the heart.
