
Saturday 18 May 2013

In Search of Peace and Healing...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Bon Jovi ~ It's My Life
Lacuna Coil ~ Enjoy The Silence
Halestorm ~ Innocence
Sensible Pets ~ My Way Home
Brandi Carlile ~ Tragedy
Chris Cornell ~ Ghosts
Bob Marley ~ Waiting in Vain
The Cranberries ~ Never Grow Old
Ciara ~ Love Sex Magic
Alisha's Attic ~ Alisha Rules The World
Hootie and the Blowfish ~ Tucker's Town
The Eagles ~ Waiting In The Weeds
Portishead ~ Pedestal
Kid Rock ~ Blue Jeans And A Rosary

Could I find peace here? Hell yeah! lol
Happy Weekend Folks! I am hoping it is being very good to you all. So searching for peace...yes...let's talk about that. As some of you know I have been attempting to deal with some changes. And it has been a royal bitch tough but I do believe I have made the first steps to dealing with it. Now I am left with the overwhelming sense of needing to find some inner peace again. As my friend T said Acknowledge Accept and Evolve..although usually I want to throttle that kind of positivity

I need to find some peace of mind, peace in my heart and inner peace. This last year has been a rollercoaster of emotions, illness and all the stuff that comes with those two things. I am exhausted...and I still have so much to go through yet. It has become vital that I find that peace that I have lost because I need it to become strong again.

The last few days I have been trying to get my head into a space where I could start to make plans for this to happen. I have realised that I had stopped doing a lot of the things that brought me this kind of peace and I have made a commitment to myself to start changing this. Like...

Although I'm not in a place where I can do full yoga practice..I can start to do a basic practice and meditate again. I have missed the mental and physical peace this watch this Zen place...*wink*

Yes! Yes...yes...I know. You have already let me know I am strange for loving rain. lol. But I do and wrapped up and walking in the rain is one of my most favourite Zen places. So even if it's standing outside in the rain for now until I am able to walk in it...I shall be doing that.

I am an equal ops weather person lol. We don't live near many least not as beautiful as this one anyway. But time spent by an essential peaceful time for me. I realise now how badly I have missed this and need this.

Yesterday my friend A came over for the afternoon and we laughed. God it felt so good to just laugh with someone. And after she has gone I realised how buoyed I was by this experience. The poster above really did sum up how I feel about laughter...and I certainly felt it at work with A.

I had forgotten this. The illness takes over..and you become the illness. When you can't get your head off of the pillow you can get very lost. And now I need to do this...remind myself who I am...not who I could've been...who I was...but who I am now in this moment. And make peace with who I am.

Another simple thing I have not been able to do in the last year or two. Forest/Woods walking. I love getting lost in the trees...breathing it all in. Feeling my batteries recharging and my heart and mind relax. I am starting small..but I am going to start this again. Although I hope it doesn't kill ML who will probably need to wear an all over body mask to not react to the nature. lol.

I also hope to find the peace spending time with my friends and family (well select members of my family!) brings. But I do feel I need to enjoy my alone time again as I have always believed it to be an essential life need for me and I had lost sight of that. So it's all a work in progress but I am beginning to make sense of all the things that have happened recently. Slowly....

I am away to get ready for a my sister and her little ones visiting this afternoon..

Thank you for coming back even when food posts are not happening but I do believe there will be a new brunch recipe coming up tomorrow. I hope your weekend is a great one..
