
Sunday 5 May 2013

Brunch: Black Eyed Quesadillas (vegan & GF)

Rocket & Rocket HQ Play List:

Live ~ All Over You
Chris Cornell ~ Poison Eye
Melissa Etheridge ~ All The Way To Heaven
Joan Jett ~ Celluloid Heroes
Thunder ~ Can't Keep A Good Man Down
Vivaldi: Concerto Number 2 in G minor Op8 No2 "Summer"
Paul Weller ~ Changingman
James Morrison ~ Once When I Was Little
Queens of the Stoneage ~ First It Giveth
Shakira ~ Something
Dixie Chicks ~ Tonight The Heartache's On Me
Tina Dico ~ Back Where We Started
Chris Cornell ~ The Keeper
Doris Day ~ Love Me or Leave Me

Something a little different for brunch today...I had some corn tortillas in the stock cupboard and late last night started craving a savoury but not spicy filled Quesadilla for breakfast/brunch. I wanted to keep it simple but full of flavour so I knew a beany filling was called for and I wanted to add some fresh veggies in there too.

I decided upon a black eyed beans herby filling with grated carrot and courgette and the filling worked really well. With the almost nutty flavour of the corn tortillas and the herby bean comfort, finished off with the slight crunch of the grated veggies these quesadillas were so tasty. I know this will be a regular recipe in our kitchen now. Delish.

Brunch: Black Eyed Quesadillas

Black Eyed Quesadillas Serves 4

4 8" corn tortillas

1 tin of black eyed beans, rinsed and drained
1 onion, peeled and sliced
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1/2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried marjoram
salt and pepper to taste

1 med courgette, grated and pressed to remove juices
1 lg carrot, grated

Saute the onion and garlic in the oil until the onion is tender. Meanwhile part mash the beans, leaving some whole for texture. Add the beans to the onion with the herbs and cook until heated through. Set to one side.

Take one tortilla and spread with some of the bean mixture and add a layer of the carrot/courgette and top with a second tortilla. Heat a large skillet and place the quesadilla in the pan. Cook for approx. 4 minutes then carefully flip it over and cook for a further 4 minutes until the filling is warmed and the tortillas are golden brown. Then repeat with the second quesadilla.

Cut into quarters and enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Sunday is a great one....
