
Monday 29 April 2013

Breathe? Yes I must remember to do that!...

Help? I need to remember to breathe right now. I've been on an emotional roller coaster over the last couple of weeks. It hasn't all been bad as I had a splendid time celebrating a good pals birthday on Saturday night. But on the whole its been...erm...a bitch...interesting times.

And as I didn't have a food posting ready to publish I thought I would make a visual reminder for simply breathe. So please indulge Food blogs will return in a couple of days.

Simple eh?
I loved this poster because I found it very simple in its message and thought it very clever in design.

Anna Nalick ~ Breathe (2am)
This song is great and in particular this version because the talented Ms Nalick is singing live with just a guy playing guitar. And the lyric tells a tale I am all to familiar with...that whole stressing in the middle of the night and the friends simple advice to just...Breathe. First thing I tell my loved ones to do..and the last thing I remember to do myself these days.

A fair question...
Now this changes on a daily basis...which is at times bearable and at others desperate. If you have been to this place...then you will know. Eh? But either way I am grateful to be here.

Pearl Jam ~ Just Breathe
Again another live performance...this song is both beautiful and tragic. But the message is still the same....just breathe.

A reminder...
For when it is feeling impossible and feels like there is no way through...and I believe this quote to be very true.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Monday has been a good one...
