
Sunday 21 April 2013

Art: Jeremy Lipking

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Otis Redding ~ The Dock Of The Bay: The Essential Collection

Sometimes when I see a piece of artwork I have the overwhelming need to touch...although my heart and mind already knows what it would be like to touch the subject of the senses still need that tactile gratification. And two pieces of work came into my world recently and I badly wanted to run my fingertips over them.

Finding these two pieces of work and the effect they had then made me search out more of Jeremy Lipking's work. And I wasn't disappointed because I found every image of his work to be on the whole enchanting, sometimes challenging and captivating. His realist style is something I enjoy greatly.

So the first piece of work that alerted me to Mr Lipking...was the beautiful piece below. I was haunted by this piece and I could feel the material covering her body between my fingertips. I have spent sometime exploring this painting.

Artist ~ Jeremy Lipking
Every part of this painting calls out to me. The detailing is wonderful as I can feel the cushioned supporting her back, the dress that is barely a covering her and the softness of her hair and the sturdiness of the seat and the craftsmanship of it...and the room I imagine to be just on the edge of warm. Love this painting and need a print of it hanging on my office wall as I find I get great inspiration from it.

I was delighted when I found the second piece of Lipking's work, as other than people, water is my other most loved subject.

Artist ~ Jeremy Lipking

When my eyes fell upon this painting I was transported to the side of this water..I could hear the roar of the power of the moving water. The smell of it and the wonderful freedom I feel within myself when I am near water like this. I wanted to sit as close to it as possible and let my hand join the water and feel it's cleansing sensation.

Thank you Mr Lipking for your work...I will forever be a fan.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your weekend has been a great one...
