
Friday 8 March 2013

The Sock Stealer Holiday Tales..

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

The Sweet ~ Blockbusters Album

Reds note:
It's no secret I'm unwell and at this moment in time when ML goes away on work trips...(this time Barcelona lucky thing)..I struggle to meet all the needs of our little Sock Stealer called Archie. Thankfully in our close circle of friends we have a great couple who run an unofficial Doggie Hotel. They love to spend time with dogs and have a very busy calendar looking after friends and families much loved pooches. So this time when ML announced new dates of future work trips we got him booked in fast. Can't begin to tell you how much he loves going there. He almost looks sad when we turn up to pick him up again until we produce his favourite ball...and then he chooses to come home with us again. lol. This time he asked the Doggie Whisperer (as A has begun to be to take some snaps to show us what a tough time he has there. And as I have had requests for photos of the four legged family I thought I'd share them with you too......Enjoy...over to Archie...~Red~

Time with my pal....

Lady Ella on the left...
Lord Archibald Stealer of Stealer of Socks on the right
Ella is family...and we get the chance to see each other sometimes and when we do we have great fun. Although I'm not sure how A got us to stay still for this portrait for so long. She must have put the Dog Whisperer whammy on us...sneaky human.

That is a shifty look if I ever saw
When not frolicing in parks together or when Ella is eating my breakfast...we can be quiet. That sneaky human got us again...

Walks in the parks....

Oh's one of those...thingamejigs isn't it?
There are some fantastic walks to be the parks...studying the nature. Barking loudly at the big dogs and then running and hiding when they come to play. A, told me I had to man up...but I much prefer hiding behind her legs. I'm a lover not a fighter.

Ooh ooh ooh ooh...can I play? Can I? huh?
I'm trying to make friends with the ducks at the park but they don't seem to be interested. Are they as aloof with humans???

Psst psst...hey...I'm Archie are you Donald????
Alas it wasn't to be....but next time I'm there I will keep trying. Being in the pond looks like so much fun...

Time at the Doggie Hotel....

All the socialising can be quite exhausting...
When not being thoroughly loved...snuggled up with A & C, walked around great parks, romping with Ella and trying to make new friends....I find I'm a little tired so there is always time for a snooze.

Deep in thought....
As with all great hotels and spas...there is always time for quiet reflection. Does my nose look big in this shot?

Comfort and refreshments aplenty...
It's all Go, Go, Go! No time for total relaxation...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

So thank you for stopping by Red's blog and I hope you enjoyed my photo holiday tales...and I would like to say thank you to A & C for looking after me so wonderfully. Red said she hopes your weekends start well and are filled with laughter and silliness...
