
Saturday 2 March 2013

Music Loves: The Union ~ The World Is Yours Album

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

The Union ~ Sawtooth Mountain Ride part 1
The Union ~ You're My Jesus
The Union ~ Tonight I'm Alive
The Union ~ Fading Out Of Love
The Union ~ The World Is Yours
The Union ~ To Say Goodbye
The Union ~ The Perfect Crime
The Union ~ Tangled Up In You
The Union ~ Lost To The Wind
The Union ~ What Doesn't Kill You
The Union ~ Marie Celeste
The Union ~ Wreck My Scene
The Union ~ This Is A London Song
The Union ~ You Can Share My Dreams
The Union ~ Sawtooth Mountain Ride part 2

(Yep listening to the album as I I got it bad..)

I have mentioned and blogged about the talented Mr Luke Morley many times before. I have been a fan of his music for over 20 years. From the early days of Terraplane...the glorious days of Thunder (classic performance)...the Bowes & Morley days and the solo days El Gringo Retro...through to The Union days which are still going strong. Although Thunder seem to be making more appearances recently lol. Never a bad thing at all.

As the main writer/creative force behind the great British rock band that was Thunder..Morley was happy to share the responsibility with Pete Shoulder when Thunder had their final tour and he went on to form The Union ( Hmmm? Wasn't final for long..but hey I enjoyed every heartbreaking moment of that Anyway...

The Union ~ The World Is Yours
You're My Jesus ~ Live in Manchester

If you like bluesy rock...with great lyrics..great hooks..albums that lift you from moments of tearful heartbreak to balls to the wall rock/blues the next..then I can't urge you strongly enough to check them out. I remember listening nervously to the first demo that was released from their first album self titled The Union. As the first sounds came through my laptop speakers...I nearly cried with relief..because I loved it in that rough form. In fact if I'm honest I prefer that version, to the one that ended up on the album.

The Union ~ The Union
Black Monday
Why did I nearly cry with relief I hear you ask? Simply this...I understood Thunder...Morley's writing and Danny's voice...were for me...awesome. I have so many memories attached to those guys it's crazy...but not in a mad groupie fanatical way. I just respected the hell out of them. I didn't like every song they ever released and I accepted they weren't to everyone's taste but for me...perfect. So when it was announced that Morley was forming a new band I had a natural...Oh hell will i like this? moment. So it was a great moment when I first heard Shoulders captivating voice...the song Easy Street actually made me And the exquisite Lilies...

I went to see them in Manchester when they toured for the release of The Union album and it was a fantastic I will never forget. When they released the second album Siren's Song I had tickets for York and made it there and stood patiently waiting for them to come on..however half way through their first body decided to give out on me. ML had to help me up and steer me out through the crowd. Not my finest moment..I knew I was too ill to go but hey...rock chick till I So I missed that tour but I loved the second album as much as the first. I get lost in Cut The Line and get fired up to Burning Daylight every track on the first two albums are all weak album fillers on either.

The Union ~ Siren's Song
As you know I've been unwell (flipping understatement eh?) and as a treat to make me smile my much loved sister bought me the third album the week it was released. This album I had been patiently waiting to be released and was beyond excited when my sister walked through my lounge door waving it in her hand..."It's here!..." And blimey did I ever It was opened and the disc slotted into Ruby (laptop..hush! lol) and I sat and listened to every tune to the end. And then repeated this...(which was a blessing because the pain was very bad and it helped distract me)...and then once more. I added it to my iPod and then sat with the CD sleeve and read it cover to cover...taking in every word of the lyrics. Did I mention I'm a bit of a fan??? lol

The Union
Left ~ Mr Luke Morley Right ~ Mr Pete Shoulder
Tonight I'm Alive ~ Live in Manchester
I haven't formed any favourites on The World Is Yours as yet...I like to take my time and get to know each track so over the coming weeks I will listen to the album quietly in my moments of reflection...loudly on the days when I need the release that music brings me...and in the background whilst every lyric and melody becomes a part of me. I mentioned before that music is my life force haven't I? lol. This I know...the lyric and music are, as ever, of a high quality and creatively awesome. These guys do know how to write an album....that is for sure.

If you were wondering where you'd seen the artwork for The World Is Yours...then here is the full painting.

Now if only I could remember who painted it?
Feel free to pass me the information and I will
update the posting.

As I'm writing Fading Out of Love is playing in the background and it is a tale of doubt and heart break. Sung perfectly by Pete..the emotion he puts into every word is breathtaking.

Their albums are available at all the normal online places..Amazon, iTunes etc. But here is a link through to their website for you to have a look around..should you really should you

Thanks for stopping by and letting me tell you about The Union. I hope your weekend is being very good to you...

And last but by no means least...Thank you lovely sister of mine for wanting to make me smile and doing it in such a perfect way..xx


NB: I take absolutely no credit whatsoever for any of the creative genius for any of the music used in this posting. That is firmly in the hands of Morley and Shoulder. But I do thank them for every bit. I am always happy to share the music love....Thank you ~Red~