
Friday 22 March 2013

Finding smiles...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Brandi Carlile ~ Fall Apart Again
Brandi Carlile ~ Caroline
Jools Holland Big Band ~ Outskirts of Town
Def Leppard ~ Love Bites
Snap! ~ The Power
Joan Jett ~ Frustrated
Bowes & Morley ~ On A Day Like Today
Alanis Morissette ~ Forgiven
Bowes & Morley ~ I'll Take The Stars Out Of The Sky
Alisha's Attic ~ Just The Way You Like
Billie Meyers ~ Much Change Too Soon
Bebel Gilberto ~ Close Your Eyes
Holly Williams ~ Happy
Jessie Ware ~ Wildest Moments

For me...this week has been tough. But there have been moments where I've smiled and discovered words of comfort, music that has made me feel high and miscellaneous things that have given me something to look forward to. And as I haven't a food posting to share I thought I would share a few of these things that have kept me this side of sane moments with you. lol.

*taking a breath*
I need Yoga and its philosophies in my life. But I physically haven't been able to do any form of real practice for over a year now and it's hurting me. I had also forgotten that I still have an important part of it all open to me...the breath in my ravaged body...and the mental focus. And this simple poster reminded me and it had quite a powerful effect on me.

Such a great name for a recipe!
I came across this recipe on Pinterest and the recipe name actually made me smile and even chuckle. Serendipity is one of my favourite words so to see it used in such an awesome way and with a recipe that I can't wait to try I Pinned it to my For The Love of Vegan Food board straight away. So thanks to for the smiles...and I can't wait to try the recipe out.

Airbourne ~ Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast happy was I when I stumbled upon these guys. If you like AC/DC then you will almost definitely enjoy them. They are an Aussie rock band that are unashamedly rock and just so good. I was on a music high for hours after listening to as much of their music that I could access on YT. They reminded me why I am the rock chick that I am. And yes some of their songs are Cert 18 but you can be a feminist and enjoy great rock music too!

Breaking Dawn part 2
If you haven't seen it yet...scoot down to the next item!
It was recently our anniversary and my sister snuck in a belated present. The Breaking Dawn part 2 DVD. So ML and I finally sat down to watch the end of the series. I never got around to reading Breaking Dawn so the last movie and this one was a mystery to me.  So what did I think? Well firstly can I just say....CGI baby/children faces? With the budget they would've had to make this movie...I felt it could've been a lot better. In fact it freaked the bejesus out of me and it just wasn't convincing at all. Such a shame. And the whole film felt really rushed...but then when you split a book into two movies then I guess something has to give.

However...I did love the introduction of all the new characters, the mystery of Alice & Jasper's departure (ML aka Alice junkie..said That it was obvious Alice was going to save the *eyeroll*), the battle scene was righteous, the frustrating sudden twist in the story and did I mention there were vampires and werewolves? lol. But one thing that both of us liked and respected was that instead of a list of the end of the movie they went back to the beginning of the series and every character was given a face and actors name. Nice touch.

Total rock and roll, eh? lol
Rock n Roll or what? lol. We found these little beauts on a recent crawl around a shop. I did resist buying some as I don't get on with earbud earphones...but they did make me smile.

Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts ~ Hold You
When I first heard the growly voice of Crowe I knew I was a gonna like the The songs are great and I have enjoyed the one album I have. This song in particular and it seems to have popped up on my play list on my Pod a few times this week. Making me both smile and think lol.

J.R.Ward *bowing*
One of my favourite authors J.R.Ward is about to release the latest in her Black Dagger Brotherhood series. They are pure escapism for me. When I need the world to shut the hell up and music isn't doing it...I can take one of her books from my shelves and disappear between the covers.

But this one is very special hence the clue in the title, Lover At Last is the story of two regular characters Quinn & Blay. The Brotherhood are warriors and throughout the series, one of the brothers story is told...and in the background has always been these two characters story of fighting their love for each other.

And from what fans are told..the powers that be were not happy for them to have a book to tell their story...until now. I know that when this comes out in paperback I shall lock myself away for two days and revel in the highs and lows of their story. Because all the BDB fans have waited such a long time for this. It's gonna get's no doubt gonna make me cry at times...and there will be many laughs and I cannot wait. So I shall be marking the days off until it's released here...something to look forward too.

Holly Williams ~ Three Days in Bed
This week I found Holly Williams. And yes she is indeed the granddaughter of Hank Williams. Her music is at times emotive, dragging you back to places in your past. Other times light and you feel your heart lift with hers. And everything in between those places. She tells beautiful stories with her song writing and her voice is both enchanting and gritty...for me that's a great thing. I have enjoyed listening to two of her albums this week and very happy I found her music..whilst searching for something completely different

I need this cookbook for my
I collect cookbooks...this you know, right? And when this one was released I knew I it. lol. I made a decision to do a long running review on my blog. Starting at the beginning of the book with recipe one and work my way through them over one day a week of the blog to this. I've seen many people's reviews and the photos of their efforts and enjoyed them. So when I do pick up a copy I shall be joining the masses in this sandwich making fun.

Wise words
This has been my mantra this week...however, it does work most of the time...but even this rain loving freak is getting really fed up with being sodden everyday. Oh well..whilst it's raining on me it's leaving someone else alone, eh?

I am no lover or supporter of guns. But when this came through on VeganCartoons feed this week it really did make me laugh. The right to hunt and the fur trade make me crazy angry and saddens me. But this makes a great point in a funny way. Loved it....

Thanks for stopping by...and I hope our Friday is a fantastic one..

ML is deep in birthday cake I will be back tomorrow with the latest creation for our little niece Noo...who is turning 4 but acts 14! Urgh..where on earth is the time going? lol.
