
Wednesday 13 February 2013

Warning: Lurgy ridden!...

Rocket & Roses HQ Entertainment:

Hours and hours of Netflix....and then some...

No real news folks except that I'm still wiped out by this virus I picked up recently. Whether it's because my immune system is shot..or it's just a really nasty's taking on a new symptom everyday...worsening in my case.

ML, I'm pleased to report, is back up and running with just a residual cough. My family who have it seem to be working through it too...thank goodness.Apart from little M who seems to be sharing his Aunties strain. Me...not so lucky. Oh well..what doesn't kill So I just wanted to pop in and let you folks know...either myself or Trustworthy will be back soon with a posting.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you week is being good to you and you are virus free!...
