
Saturday 9 February 2013

Gratuitous Vegan Chocolate Birthday Cake...with berries..

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Chopin Nocturnes Playlist on iPod's been quite a week here at R & R HQ...with a very bad viral nasty rampaging through my entire family. ML & I were completely floored by it and could barely lift our heads off of the pillows yesterday. And if I'm honest we are still under the viral influence and fear we shall be for a few more days to come....Urgh!...

Trustworthy stepped in and wrote a great posting about his Happy Chicken Nuggets which I thought was great and you folks have responded well to it. May keep him around you know? lol. Thanks fella...

Being on that horrific bed rest thing...I have very little to post food wise today but I do have a great photo for you to's virtually chocoholic foodie porn. lol. It comes via ML..who was once again cake baker commander in it was my baby sisters 30th birthday on Wednesday. And my sisters request is always the same...chocolate, chocolate and oh a little more chocolate. Crazy chick. Oh and if it's OK..maybe a little fruit to go with it...

So here it is....the 30th birthday cake...which I can confirm..tasted every bit as good as it looked. The chocolate cake recipe is Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's Chocolate Bundt Cake recipe from Joy of Vegan Baking. It's the perfect chocolate cake and the filling and covering comes from a very old recipe of mine. Quite fudgey. The centre of the bundt is filled with strawberries, raspberries and cherries....and when you cut into the cake...there is a waterfall of fruit. And the combination of the smells of chocolate and the to die for. Yum!

So good. lol
Thanks for stopping by and I hope your weekend has started well and brings you many smiles...

Stay viral free out there...*cough and sneeze*...Urgh!
