
Saturday 12 January 2013

Favourite Things: Love, Hate, Crave, Need Choker

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Beth Hart ~ Get Your Shit Together
Nerina Pallot ~ Learning to Breathe
Foo Fighters ~ What Do I Do?
The Rolling Stones ~ Brown Sugar
Michel Legrand ~ Satie: Gymnopedies 1, Lent Le Douleroux
JET ~ Crazy Gun
Depeche Mode ~ Rush
Evanescence ~ Call Me When You're Sober
Evanescence ~ Weight of the World
Tom Jones & Jools Holland ~ Life's Too Short To Be With You
Dixie Chicks ~ Never Say Die
Count Basie ~ April In Paris
P!nk ~ So What
Harry Connick Jr ~ A Wink and a Smile

Happy Weekend we have been forecast snow this weekend with temps dropping to -14...however I am sat here on freaking bed rest with my blind up on my large bedroom window...window opened and enjoying the lovely spring like sun shining into my room. For as long as it

So there are some good foodie posts coming your way..thanks to ML for currently cooking up a storm in my kitchen. But today I wanted to share a couple of my lifetime Favourite Things...things that I would be gutted if I lost them.

First up is a pewter choker. Now I have had this little lovely for *counting*...oh blimey...2o years. I was away for the weekend for some serious gigging and my friend and I found this little jewellery shop. It was like rock chick heaven for us and we spent quite some time in there. In one of the corners I found a box labelled I started to pick through the pieces. And it was the usual rocker type pendants...and then hidden in the corner I caught sight of the word Crave. This intrigued me so dug down deeper and pulled out a pendant strung on a single black cord. As I examined the pendant I fell in jewellery love and before I could think about it, I was handing over my £ Yep..this is off great monetary value.

The word that did it!
Now this choker has been with me every day for the last 20 years. I love it. The original cord broke or disintegrated a couple of years ago so I had to re-string it and I chose some leatherette and double stringed it. And I still wear it as a was just meant to be worn that way.

Oooh does this one get me in trouble? lol
It has been said over the years that this necklace is very in tune with That it somehow always manages to turn itself around to the word I need at that moment. And when stuck in some conversations with people I wouldn't have chosen to talk to..or have hurt me in the past....this choker is always found to be showing Hate. As in I am hating this moment in time...spooky. And of course there are the people who think I am sending out a negative message with this side of the pendant. They are very welcome to this opinion but they would be wrong...

And of course the flip side of Love...
To keep things fair and balanced there is always Love. Really don't need to add anything to this one, eh? Sappy

Yep..Need is a tricky one
Now of all the emotions on this choker this is the one I find the most challenging. Because the term Needy gives me a serious case of the Hinkeys. So over the years I've come to think of it as positive word. Need for acceptance...Need for understanding...Need for love....Need for tolerance...etc. You can see where I am going with this

For me this pendant is simple in design but beautiful in its messages. I was drawn to it the moment my eyes flashed upon it...and I confess if I am lucky to reach 90...I'll still be wearing it then! lol.

So my other selection for Favourite Things today is a ring that I have had probably just as long as this choker.

Silver Ring of Stars
Once again another pricey piece...I bought this from a jewellery stall on my travels. It was one of a kind and the creator seemed really pleased that I loved this ring instantly, as much as he did when he made it. It's silver and divine. I wear it everyday and taking it off to take this photo felt so But it is one of my Favourite Things and as it was hugely expensive jewellery I thought it fit. Yep I am an expensive date...this one came in at £5. lol.

Well I seemed to have spoken too soon about the weather...the window is now shut and I am sat shivering...Yikes. Maybe the weather forecasters are correct this time...who knew?

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are having the best of weekends folks....
