
Friday 2 November 2012

Road Tripping..Day Two Swinton to Telford

Rocket & Roses Car Play List:

MUSE ~ The 2nd Law Album (over & over again lol)

Well day two of our road trip to Wales started really well...we'd had great accommodation at the sunny Hello Hotel. Our room was spacious, bed comfy and the room clean. Can't really ask for more than that, eh? Only downer was the breakfast was 'bacon sarnies', a chocolate muffin and a bottle of orange juice. So ML enjoyed the sandwiches and I...didn't. lol. Oh well. Our plan was to sleep in and then hit the road to nearby Warrington and the IKEA store there. But first we had to deal with a car issue....our car decided to break it's bonnet a couple of hours later...a very helpful chap called Carl from a local garage..we were left with the reality, of the piece that was broken couldn't be delivered...anywhere....before Monday!!! So with minutes left on the Hello Hotel room which still had all of our 'stuff' and...oh it...Carl bungee corded our bonnet shut so we could continue on our road trip. There were stressful tears, extreme use of Expletive Therapy and prayers sent up to the Rock Gods to help us. Not a great moment...

Neither ML or myself look like
But we could relate to the strain.
So..finally...we hit the road and had decided on the scenic route from Swinton to Telford following the old stage coaching route via the A49. First we called in at IKEA (blog posting to follow about my and then.....then!...we hit the road. And although it was a slow road...the scenery was beautiful...and the old coaching houses along the way, were at times great but seeing the odd one or two boarded up was a little sad. Did I mention this was a slow road?? Our first destination on this route was a place called Ironbridge which turned out to be a very pretty little town and I hope to go back there for a long weekend to roam about and explore. But the main reason was to see the Ironbridge that spans a gorge. It was a very impressive sight. To visit the Ironbridge website click here....

The Ironbridge spanning the gorge.
However I have to say we arrived here at twilight and the lights from the shops and restaurants made the bridge seem magical.

After a few little detours..ahem!...we finally pulled up at our accommodation for tonight. Haughton Hall in Telford. Which looks very impressive from the outside...and I guess is on the inside...just But our room is pleasant and the en suite what else do I need, eh?

Haughton Hall Telford
I have to confess I haven't been feeling my best when we opened the room door I collapsed on the very large bed and stayed there for a while. Who knew riding shotgun could be so exhausting. So I am writing this..making many mistakes and struggling to stay upright...things I do, eh? ;-)

An example of our room...
Tomorrow we hit the road again...and our destination is our place in Wales...wehoo. ML hasn't decided which scenic route we are taking yet...but I will be back soon with further tales...

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Friday & Saturday is an awesome one..
