
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween 2012 Folks...

Things are a little busy here at the Rocket & Roses HQ...we are going on holiday. I know..can't wait. We are travelling over to Manchester tomorrow so ML can enjoy a gig for that little known band...MUSE, is it? lol. You heard of them? Then we are travelling from there across to Wales. Not feeling that great right now but being away from the town we live in and our regular routine is going to be great. ML really needs this break more than I do so books have been purchased for those inevitable bad weather days. I know I will become a book widow for most of this holiday...but it is a recharging batteries type of holiday. So it's all good.

What are your plans for this Halloween? We celebrated at the weekend with the little one M for his birthday so tonight we shall be packing like maniacs on door duty during the evening for the local treat or treaters. I miss the days of the Halloween parties and when I'm well I look forward to enjoying them again.

I found these vegan Halloween items during an on line search and they available at

Love it! lol

I would love this cool.

Great eh?
And this t-shirt was great and the design is also on a cap, a phone and a mug!

And what posting of mine would it be without a little humour, eh? lol I think I may have posted one of them before but it's worth posting again...

Good old worthy Love

And I am fairly certain I have posted this before....but it still makes me here it is...I wish you a safe and happy Halloween...

Thank you for stopping by and I will be back soon from the road trip...and Trustworthy is going be visiting soon...


NB: All images used were found I take no credit for their creation but I send out thanks to whoever did.