
Thursday 18 October 2012

Focus: Things I Am Loving In This Moment...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Zac Brown Band ft Aslyn ~ Trying To Drive
Harry Connick Jr ~ All The Way
Thunder ~ Gimme Some Lovin' Live
Natalie Clein ~ Tavener: The Protecting Veil
TOFOG's ~ Memorial Day
Nat King Cole ~ Ain't Misbehaving
B.E.P ~ Let's Get It Started
Court Yard Hounds ~ Fairytale
Bon Jovi ~ Living On A Prayer
Audioslave ~ Light My Way
Depeche Mode ~ Enjoy The Silence
Tina Dico ~ Friend In A Bar
Placebo ~ Every Me Every You
Blondie ~ Picture This

Today's post is all about taking a moment in the midst of chaos and looking at what is going on around you...taking the things/people/thoughts that make you smile and celebrating them. Focusing on the positives...although I have to say, that particular phrase said to me on a bad day can make me want to throttle the person who says it...hard!!! lol.

So in this moment....these are the things that are making the chaos

A Thought...

A mantra now...
I've said recently that this thought is vital to me. I could easily get bogged down with thoughts of the past or the bleak future. So I choose to think of my life...In this moment...and in this moment I am OK.

A Photo...

The very awesome and under appreciated
Mr Luke Morley
Songwriter and Guitarist
I confess this photo is taken from The Union Facebook page. The Union are one of my favourite bands. I have been a fan of Mr Morley's work for over 20 years. In his relatively new band he is getting so much attention and rightly so..they are awesome. If you love blues/rock I urge you to check them out. This me sums up Mr Morley. A true muso, fantastic talent and still rocking it when others maybe couldn't. And I hope he never stops...

A Piece of Art...

Artist: Malcolm Liepke
I admit it. I had never heard of this artist until this painting turned up on my Pinterest feed. It was amongst many other paintings by other artists but I couldn't even tell you what they were because the moment I saw this...I was captivated. In fact the more I look at it..the more I fall hopelessly in love with it.

An Important Thing...

Especially medical...
There are times when I wished with all my heart I was one of those people that could live in ignorant bliss. And in some aspects of my life I have to be but it's not how I want it. But being in ignorance when it comes to your's just stupid. Understandable...but stupid. This week I was back at the hospital to get the latest tests done and find out the new plan of attack. Now I really was dreading it...hated the thought of it...couldn't function at some points leading up to it as my very inner circle would agree..but having had a couple of days since the appointment I am calmer. I know for the next four months I've got a battle coming...but now I know what I am facing...I also have a plan. Knowing the facts is so much better than not. (Preachy bit over now!! lol)

An International Thing...

My close friend and guest host Trustworthy lives in Oz and we are in touch everyday via Skype.  We cook (well OK he cooks and I watch lol), talk and laugh a lot and even disagree But one of the other things we like to do is have International Mate Movie Yep we select a movie and both watch it with our laptops on and headsets in, watching the movies together. We try and take it in turns in selecting the movies...last week was T's choice which was...

....which I really enjoyed. Even the eating brains And this week my selection is the very funny and touching Crazy Stupid Love. Really looking forward to watching it with him.

Don't be fooled, T loves a good rom/ I am sure he'll love this one.

A Drink...

Yep it does say
I am a self confessed addict of the demon bean and back in the day when my body had coffee and Jack flowing through my veins I couldn't get enough. I am one of those strange people that love the hot coffee beverage but can't stand it cold in any form..or in food. Yuck! lol. But these days my body doesn't respond well to caffeine at all and I had managed to wean myself off of it and been a confirmed herbal tea drinker for the last 4-5 years, enjoying the very occasional coffee when out, until very recently...I could make a whole list of excuses but the only one that would have any merit would be...stress and low mood boost. And I have been abusing the bean once I am now trying to wean myself off of it once again. And then I found this decaf is so good. I get all the flavour of regular coffee without the side effects...and I am loving it. Steaming black mug of this..and I am a happy gal.

A Tune or Two...

Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts ~ B******d Life or Clarity Album
Sail Those Same Oceans Enjoy!
I like Russell Crowe. I think he is an amazing actor...and I like his edge. I respect that he's not bowed down to the Hollywood way of life..simpering and smiling. I like that if he's in a bad mood..he just is. No excuses. And I have always been curious about his band Thirty Odd Foot Of Grunts or TOFOG's in short. Then the Clarity album came up on my 1p bargains list last week. It was a really it was. lol. No? Oh OK. It arrived yesterday and I have to say I have only just put Pebble (iPod) back on shuffle play...I have played the album about 10 times through and have loved every song. The music is rather Springsteeneqsue. Russell's voice is good and growly. I am now officially a huge fan of his music too. I hope there is more to come.

A Wouldn't Want to Live Without Thing...

There are no words really needed here...except for these...'Friends that are family'..spending anytime with any one of you is always a pleasure...even in the bad times. We are very different but that's what makes us strong. I am a very lucky woman...

A Book Thing...

A werewolf or two can never be
a bad
At this point in my life my reading choices are all about pure escapism. Usually it's an even spread of cookbooks, fiction and knowledge. So you will most likely find me running in the worlds where Were folks live...or chasing serial killers. This is the book I am reading today...

A Body Art Thing...

An arguments folks but I do respect your
rights to disagree.
Having been ill for a while...I am left with scars. And yes..I own it...they are part of my story but I've owned it for long enough I need a change and I am constantly looking for the right thing to cover them. Recently I saw a tattoo design that was laid over a woman's shoulder and it was of a large flower with falling petals that drifted down and across her body. And I knew then I had found the concept I was looking I just needed to find the design. As there are a few...I have decided upon a large cherry blossom branching with full blooms and many falling petals. The design above isn't exactly what I want but it's pretty similar to the image I have in my head. Why blossom? Sorry folks..I do have my reasons and they are private but when it's happening I shall post photos.

A Tasty Thing...

Kao Pun Temple Waterfalls, Kanchanaburi Thailand
A waterfall...tasty? I can hear you asking lol. But I couldn't find an image to go with the food but I did find this beautiful waterfall in Thailand and now have another waterfall to add to my list. lol. I cannot wait to visit this one...awesome..don't you think?

Anyway to the food...Thai Mixed Veggie Tempura with Sweet Chilli Sauce to be specific. I cannot get enough of this dish. I am not usually one for anything that is fried...but this is my one exception. And where we buy it they do a really nice light and crispy batter..covering carrot sticks, onions rings, green beans, green pepper, red pepper, mushroom and broccoli. Now I always ask for no mushroom and always secretly hope they will put in extra broccoli..alas they never do. These simply cooked veggies dipped in the sweet chilli sauce is a little plate of food heaven for me. I get really bad cravings for just a bowl of broccoli tempura drizzled with the addictive chilli sauce. Bad cravings...very bad Oh it's back

A Not So Bling Thing...

Prayer Bead Bracelets
Regular readers will know for sure that I am in no way religious..but very respectful of others' beliefs as long as it isn't harming anyone. Anyway....I have always loved rosaries and prayer beads as necklaces or jewellery. I think the design is often beautiful....and when I saw these this morning I knew it was something I would happily wear. However I wouldn't pay $75 for them. But I can admire them from afar and enjoy them that way. I love bracelets...

Well that is a few of the things I am loving right now...this I hope it entertained and thank you for stopping by and I hope your week is being very good to you..and you have great things planned for the it boisterous or peaceful.
