
Wednesday 3 October 2012

A Glorious Soup: Skinny Soup F is for Fragrant Thai Carrot

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Kid Rock & Guest ~ Picture (Live)
Alison Moyet ~ La Chanson Des Vieux Amants
Joe Nichols ~ It Ain't No Crime
Jack Johnson ~ Sexy Plexi
All Saints ~ Black Coffee
Luke Morley & Andy Taylor ~ Quiet Life
Crosby & Sinatra ~ Well Did You Evah?
Jack Johnson ~ Traffic In The Sky
Nurai Lita ~ Kazfez
Bon Jovi ~ Lie To Me
Brad Paisley ~ I'm Gonna Miss Her
Beth Hart ~ Happiness...Any Day Now
Aerosmith ~ Living On The Edge
Blondie ~ Atomic

First things first....a huge thank you to Trustworthy for his guest blog. It was very popular and I am extremely grateful for his help. And I will most definitely be trying out the pepezini's on my next pizza. Thank you pal.

So, if you are a regular follower of this blog you will know that I am addicted to home made soups. I have hundreds of recipes and love them can never have too many, right? My view of soup was coloured by the awful tinned soups I'd had inflicted on me for the first 26 years of my life. My lovely Mum used to make me 'veggie stews' as a child and teen; being a life long veggie I was extremely grateful I didn't have to eat the meat version, and now when I look back I can see that basically it was just a veggie soup...which I loved! lol.

When I met ML way back...crikey..then! lol...I made my first attempt at a homemade soup and loved it. It was the humble Red Lentil & Carrot Soup which I still make fact it was my lunchtime soup just last week. From there sprang a soup obsession and I get an almost witchy moment (OK some would say a complete witch'd out cauldron stirring) moment when I am creating new soups for the Rocket & Roses kitchen cookbook. A little of this, a smidge of that (yes I do have a smidge measurement spoon! See Product and often a whole heap of that! lol.

For me to buy in a soup is a very strange moment indeed because I have an intolerance to the preservatives they put in processed foods. But when shopping at the weekend a 'fresh' soup stand caught my eye. And one soup on that stand in particular...

I confess I had never heard of this company before because I pay such little attention to store bought soups but the key words....glorious..fragrant...Thai and carrot got me! (Warning...gross thought coming up!!!) Now part of the reason I can't bear bought soups is a visual thing...they always seem to resemble vomit! Am I the only one who thinks this way? Surely I can't be? lol.

Anyway ML and I stood scanning the labels for hidden non-vegan nastiness...and of all of the soups on the display, the one that caught my eye was the only vegan one. So we took this as a sign that we should buy it.

I had my first tasting on Saturday lunch time and whilst the soup was heating up..oh my..did the HQ smell good. All of the beautiful Thai aromas flirted with our was exactly what it said on the label..fragrant..*tick*. The soup itself was smooth carrot orange with little flecks of green and looked delish..*tick*. And the taste....oh wow! It was divine. The sweetness of the carrot was perfectly complimented by the Thai lime leaves...backed up by the coconut milk...did I mention it was divine...oh shoot..I *huge tick*. I enjoyed it so much that ML went back and bought a few more tubs for my lunches. Anything to save kitchen duties whilst I'm on rest, eh? lol.

I am the type of person that can admit when they are here goes. I have found a store bought soup that I love and have enjoyed greatly. I will happily buy this from now on when I need a soup in the fridge for those days I can't make it into the kitchen. But I am still not a tinned soup person...and never will If you find this in your store..and you like Thai food...treat yourself and buy some. You won't be sorry.

A friend of mine sent me this little picture as part of an email and I loved it. So wanted to share with you folks. Cute huh?

And I just need to take a moment to thank all of you for your constant support via email or twitter DM. It is never taken for granted and always gratefully received. And I promise to start trying to make inroads into replying to you all as soon as possible.

So thanks for stopping by and I hope your Wednesday is being very good to you...


NB: Images are not my own and I take no credit for them whatsoever. They were found online and thanks goes out to the talented people who did create them. ~R~