
Monday 10 September 2012

Starting the week off smiling...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Maroon 5 ~ Songs About Jane Album

Laughs and smiles are needed in the Rocket & Roses HQ right now. Yesterday we found many when we met up with some friends for a late lunch. The hours zipped by as we caught up, teased and laughed together. We have some pretty serious health issues going on amongst our circle of eight so to be able to laugh freely and forget about it all was such bliss.
I hope your weekend was filled with many moments of laughter.

So that inspired me to put together a posting that will encourage a smile or two and hopefully a giggle.

Tattoo design????
I found this picture during a search for something completely different...wasn't even a vegan search but pop up it did. lol. Obviously meant to be eh? I love it and think it would make a great tattoo. It made me smile so it was

It's a very supportive way naturally! lol
Have to say this made me laugh so hard when I read it..I almost choked on my drink. lol. I think anyone who knows me will appreciate this one. But I think it's always a good message to pass on....laughter is vital to life.

Now..I is a pet peeve that everyone assumes all a vegan eats is tofu and lettuce. But when I saw this little badge it really made me smile.

Fair point! lol
I loved this cartoon. Being a life long veggie...yep...Life.Long...I had a similar conversation with my Mum. I think I was about 5 and asked her why all the fairy tales seemed to have 'horrible' veggies...and I remember her laughing and replying "Well meat eaters would pitch a fit if it was the other way around cherub..." I didn't understand at the time but never forgot that moment. Mum used to make up stories every night for me and the fruits and berries were always magical and healing...I liked her stories much better than any that came in a book.

Cyndi Lauper ~ Stay
One of my recent 1p bargain CD's yielded a great tune..we went to watch my kid brother play Ice Hockey on Saturday evening and on the car CD player we listened to Cyndi Lauper's At Last album. A very good album and some very emotive performances by the uber talented lady. But this track is one of my favourite songs and was arranged in such a way that we were both singing our heads off and laughing too. I know when this comes on my Pod when I'm back in the kitchen, I shall be taking a brief break from kitchen work to dance around the kitchen with a pan and wooden spoon. Be warned it's for many's in.

So that's got the week off to a smiley and happy start...let's hope it continues this way. Thank you for stopping by and I really hope your Monday is a great one folks...
