
Friday 14 September 2012

Music: Adele & The Piano Guys

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

The Thompson Twins ~ The Greatest Hits Album sure is blustery here in little old England today. Or at least the part of it where I I'm pleased I don't have washing/laundry pegged out or I would be chasing it across the gardens and down the street. That kind of cold but sunny, chilly but not too much..blustery day. Autumn is on its way and I can't wait. I love it! I love the nip in the air and smell of autumn. Anyway...

You all know of my addiction to the Cello...yeah? lol. Good. I really didn't get the whole Adele thing when she released her first album 19. In fact Chasing Pavements was one of the those songs that I had to turn off or down when it came on. Couldn't bear it. But then when she released 21 I couldn't get enough of her. And then ended up buying 19 too! And now I am a huge fan...but still dislike Chasing Pavements with a passion. So it really was just that song and not her! lol. There are so many songs from 21 that have an emotional impact on me...I felt exhausted after I listened to it. The woman is a genius and deserves the credit she is so rightly getting.

The extremely talented and beautiful Adele
So how happy was I when I found the mix of my beloved cello and one of Adele's great tunes? Very! lol. The Piano Guys are just great and enjoy their performances via their Youtube page...and for the lovely Geeks out there.....and I know you are out really should check out the Star Wars Cello Battle...awesome.

The Piano Guys 
Adele's Rolling In The Deep
Now Adele's original has all the passion and anger that comes with a break up...but please don't expect that from this cover. It is what it is...a beautifully played version of it. I enjoyed it greatly...and I hope you do too.

It would somehow feel wrong to write this posting without mentioning the tune/moment when the Adele penny dropped for me. It was the breathtaking and beautiful performance at The Brits 2011 when she sang with a broken heart...Someone Like You. If you haven't ever seen this clip then please take a moment to watch it.

Adele ~ Someone Like You
Now this normally not sappy music person was completely blown away by her performance and her genuine surprise at everyone's reaction afterwards. This class..and sass. I hope she continues writing and performing forever.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Friday is being kind to you?
