
Sunday 2 September 2012

Jewellery Love: Garnet Passion

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Complete Cello Playlist on the Pod...Sunday Soothing..

Still feeling Yuck & Urgh folks so today I decided to write about one of my favourite things. I know..I know it isn't vegan food and this is a vegan food blog...but please bear with me a little while longer. So the topic of choice today is the very excellent and wonderful semi-precious gemstone the Garnet. It has always been my favourite of gems...well and the Ruby. lol.

For a great explanation for the definition of a garnet and it's make up check these guys out as they explain it far better than I ever International Coloured Gemstone Association/Garnets

For those of you born in the month of January and are lucky enough to have the garnet as your birth stone...I am very slightly envious. My birth stone? The very common Diamond I'm afraid. Sucks, right? lol.

I have always been drawn to the most beautiful red garnet but in the last few years I have come to appreciate the green garnet too. I would happily wear either. On my left wrist is a band of red garnets which never leave me...but my preferred way of wearing garnets are in the form of rings.

So first up is the deeply beautiful blood red garnet....

The deep blood red garnet...
When it comes to style of rings I would say I definitely prefer simple and classic as opposed to all out bling. Bling is just totally lost on me and I don't get it. I am not a sparkly and twinkly jewellery wearer. Simple, elegant and stylish with a heavy hint of rock chick would be a fairly decent description of my taste. lol.

Simple and elegant
My preferred metal is silver. I have never been and never will be a fan of yellow gold. I don't mind white gold but it doesn't keep its colour well. I've always felt a bond with silver and almost always choose that...this ring to me is the epitome of simplicity and elegance.

A little more of a statement piece
A little bit more of a show piece but still very simple. I love the deepest red colour of the garnet against the almost white silver.

A more traditional
I quite like the Art Deco style of ring..but if I was to choose a traditional setting for a garnet ring it would most probably be something like this. I like the placement of the three stones and that it isn't fussed up with diamonds on the shoulders. Just beautiful in a traditional way.
An unusual simplicity
I really fell for this ring when I found this image. As a dress ring I think it's awesome. I like the design...very much. It's unusual and its inspiration was from some ancient design. Like someone had just dug it

A dress ring for
I am a fire sign and when I saw this ring I instantly thought "Wow a garnet sun..." lol. I would proudly wear this and it wouldn't be an everyday would be my dressing up ring. Completely beautiful...I know I would smile a lot when wearing Still that little girl who dressed up in my Nan's know when I wasn't busy being a tomboy in dungarees, hair in pigtails and sporting a slingshot in my

Wedding/Commitment Band
Now if I was to choose again...I would probably forego the white gold band I chose and go for something like this. The simple silver band with garnets inlaid. Lovely....

And now for the very beautiful green garnet....

Green garnets in their rough beauty...
Up until a few years ago I hated the colour green. Loathed it with a passion. Didn't get idea why. Then olive green suddenly appealed to my senses and soon found myself loving it as much as red and purple. Who knew? lol. Peridot is my all time favourite gem but green garnet does come a close second. However sometimes it can remind me of lime jelly/jello from my

Simple and elegant..
Like the red garnet ring at the beginning of this posting...this green garnet ring is simple and elegant and so very beautiful. It feels fresh and alive.

Something a little
Now I do like a statement piece..and this is definitely a statement. I love the slightly different green garnet stone..and the metal work looking like rope tying it down. Would wear this when out gigging and generally rock chicking

Love the cut of the garnet....
Elegant comes to mind when I look at this ring. I love the stone cut into this shape. Beauty and grace also come to mind.

I quite like this garnet...and the almost too chunky setting too. It's something different from the norm and I like that.

Well thank you for stopping by and indulging in another of my favourite things. I promise vegan food is still one of them and I will be back to that as soon as possible. I hope your weekend is being a glorious one and can you believe we are in September??? It doesn't seem right does it? lol.
