
Friday 10 August 2012

Friday Lunch: Roasted Spicy Veggie filled Baguette

Rocket & Roses Car Play List:

Rogue Traders ~ Here Come The Drums Album

I escaped today..and had a great time..may have overdone it a little but I will deal with that later. I got out of the house..enjoyed the sunshine..pootled around some..bought lovely fresh things to make some book review recipes...(Yes..I hope to bring you some foodie posts in the next few permitting..)..and made some bargain treat purchases too.

We did stop for some much needed breaks through out the day. I enjoyed a lovely large black coffee with a Hazelnut half good. lol. Needed the caffeine kick for sure. Then at a point when we found ourselves exhausted slightly peckish we stopped for some lunch at a pub. ML indulged in the special of day which was Fish & Chips..(Yuck! lol) and I found something on the menu that could be easily veganised. Our lovely waitress Kay was happy to answer any questions that I had and my order was soon placed. Leaving us to try and breathe again sit and chat until Kay came back with our food.

Roasted Spicy Veggie filled Baguettes & Salad
The photo above was taken by ML who quickly took a shot for me to 'use or not use' The actual dish on the pub menu was for Roasted Spicy Veggie & Cheese Filled Baguette. I checked the baguette and it was vegan and the filling is made on site and not a frozen and micro filling and the cheese is simply stuffed in before serving. When it arrived it smelt really good and that is always good isn't it? lol. The baguette was soft and delicious and the filling was the usual suspect of roasted veggies - onions, courgettes, aubergines, peppers and tomatoes, all cut into strips and roasted...leaving them succulent. The spicy sauce was an intensely rich tomato based sauce and it just had enough spice in it to feel the warm glow of the heady flavours. The practical side to eating it was rather like eating a vegan chilli The salad was a very simple fresh lettuce and sliced cucumber salad with a very simple oil/vinegar dressing which was a perfect side dish. In my really was tasty enough that it wouldn't need the cheese in it...but Hey..that's just

I really enjoyed this lunch and it was such a relief to find somewhere that both of us could find something good to eat. It usually ends up with one of us having something that doesn't make us feel good later. And I'm going to try and make my own version to be enjoyed at

Thanks for stopping by...My good friend Trustworthy is taking over tomorrow with a very excellent post about his smoothie So I will be back on Sunday with a new brunch recipe..I

So I hope you have a great Saturday...
