
Tuesday 14 August 2012

A Thought and A Smile...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Skin ~ Skin Album

My fridge finally had to go at the weekend after the door floored me for the final time late last week. So I haven't made it into the kitchen yet as there is a small amount of work that needs to be done in there before the new fridge (super green Eco fridge that should cost only £15 a year to run! Should? We'll see eh? lol) can be installed. So I am trying very hard to be! lol. Anyway...

So today I have brought you some wise words from the very excellent Charlie Chaplin...which will no doubt become one of my mantras. And something to make you smile too..because to take on board the serious stuff..I believe a little humour to help it along its way, is very much needed.

And repeat..and repeat... *wink*
I loved the background photograph to this quote. And it can be easy to forget this simple fact...especially in the situation I am in.

OMG!!!!! No!!!! lol
Cute huh? lol. Wonder if my nephews would still devour peppers if they looked this scary...oh course they would..they would love it! lol.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Tuesday is a very excellent one folks...and once again thanks for sticking with me...


NB: Images used are not my own and I take no credit for them. They were found on Pinterest.