
Saturday 7 July 2012

Simple Saturday: Music, Love & Life Lessons

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Terra Naomi ~ Under The Influence Album

Today's posting is a bit of a mash up..I couldn't decide what to blog I decided to bring you a little of all three. lol. It's going to be a very busy day today as it's family time and we are heading out to a new Activity Play Thingy with them all..should be good


The album I am enjoying this morning is Terra Naomi's Under The Influence....

A great album...
I first heard of Terra during a very late night road trip...she was playing live on a radio show. She sang an acoustic version of Rhianna's Umbrella..and I thought I really didn't like that song...until that night. lol. It gave me shivers..and I knew that Terra and I would be getting to know each other better  The second song I heard from this album I loved the second I heard it..although I did struggle with the whole 'stealing another woman's man' theme..but the edgy song won out in the end..and now it's one of my favourite tracks..Not Sorry Another favourite is Never Quite Discussed it's heartbreakingly beautiful. And for pure Grrrr...I love Up Here 


I went out to dinner last night with ML..we went to a bar called the Riverside Bar just over the bridge in the city. And it was a lovely place..the vegan chilli was hot as hades and took me such a long time to And the view was just here is a quick snap to prove

Foreshore view over to the town where I live...

There has been a lot of rain around here the last few days and many when I found this poster on Pinterest...I really liked it. Life lessons..always a challenge..and I have been learning a few new ones of late. Don't think you ever stop, eh? Or maybe some people just shut down to them..but I believe you have to keep learning to be the best person you can be...

Even when it's thankful you are ~R~

Thanks for stopping by...and I hope your Saturday is a very good one..(with hardly any rain!)
