
Sunday 10 June 2012

Almost Silent Sunday: Sunday Lunch

R & R Play List:

Lady Antebellum ~ Love This Pain
Skin ~ Look But Don't Touch
Stevie Ray Vaughan ~ Little Wing
Julian Lloyd Webber ~ Elgar: Cello Concerto in E minor
Melissa Etheridge ~ Threesome
Thunder ~ Dirty Dream
Echoes of Greece ~ Bazouki Dreams
Madonna ~ Take A Bow
Sarah Mclachlan ~ Answer
Stevie Wonder ~ Superstition
Natalie Imbruglia ~ Talk in Tongues
Ella & Louis ~ Can Anyone Explain?
Gioachino Rossini ~ William Tell Overture
George Micheal ~ Fast Love

Sundays...I have a love/hate thing going with them...I love that it's a day with ML especially if we are escaping R&R HQ and heading out somewhere to get lost. Or if we are just hanging out at HQ doing stuff..

But I have horrible memories of Sundays being a really tough day as a kid..and suffering through Sunday lunches. Now the smell of cooking/roasting chickens or turkeys have always revolted me even as a toddler. Well any roasting meat..poor creatures..grrrr! Do not get me started on this!..

So for me Sunday lunches were always a plate of veggies with a little salad cream on the I really miss salad cream sometimes. But the worst part was the Step family were not a joy to behold during these Sunday Mum and I concentrated on looking after the little ones whilst the Steps pulled everything and everyone to pieces. Not happy times...

This left me with an overwhelming loathing of sit down Sunday Lunches and I always swore that I would never have 'Sunday Lunches' in my own home. And for many, many years I kept to this I would almost have the anti-Sunday Lunches...stir fry or pasta sat curled up on my where near a table and I refused to roast a potato except at Christmas!

Then I met a Sunday Lunch loving ML who was more than happy to have the vegan version of a Sunday lunch with a Nut/Veggie Loaf of some sort. And I then felt myself begin to relax about Sunday lunches. This being said we still don't have them often..they are a once in a while event and usually enjoyed with a tableful of friends. I have many loaf recipes but one of my most favourites is Susan V's Gluten Free Loaf and when I make one I use an extra large Ikea loaf tin and it serves a lunch and then is used up as a sandwich filling for the week It's a great recipe and makes a beautiful loaf..

Susan V's Thanksgiving GF Loaf with steamed and roasted veggies
I always steam my side veggies and only roast my potatoes and parsnips after par-steaming them..and then I roast them low fat styley. You don't lose out on taste and it's not as high fat as it all could be. I almost always serve it with a light veggie gravy but I don't partake as I hate gravy but I still crave that hit of Salad Cream..and I hope one day to recreate a vegan version.

This photo is from the Pals Christmas Celebration 2011 and there wasn't a single crumb left on the platter It was a success..for the posting click here..

Well this posting was supposed to be Almost Silent Sunday...Ooops epic fail eh? lol. Never mind next

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Sunday is being very good to you...
