
Sunday 3 June 2012

Almost Silent Sunday: Black & White Photography ~ Benches

Lounge Play List:

Daniel Varsano ~ Satie:Gnossiennes - 3.Lent

One of my great loves in the world of art is black and white photography...One of my favourite happy moments is being sat on a bench with some lunch or a coffee..taking in the beauty around me and people watching...or if I need to be in my own little world..sat there with my iPod playing gently in my ears..wearing my dark shades. I enjoy walking to my favourite benches and it doesn't have to be a sunny can also be snowing..and I have been known to sit on a bench in the pouring rain with a In the daytime and especially night time.

So for my Almost Silent Sunday posting I bring some photos of benches..Enjoy! lol

City bench..

Endless pier..
Perfect night time benches..

Lakeside bench moments are great..
Dakota Vision Photography
A Wow moment when I found this one..
Perfect snow
Yes I would happily sit here in the
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are having a great Sunday..I am spending mine with much loved it's all good here..


NB: The images used are from general searches via the internet so I don't have anyone to give credit to..but if you recognise these photos and would like me to remove them or update the posting giving full credit where it's due..I would be more than happy to oblige. I take no credit for these beauties at all...~R~