
Wednesday 9 May 2012

Waterfall Awe Part 1

Lounge Play List:

Sweet Home Alabama Soundtrack Album

A few posts back I promised to share with you my love for Waterfalls..and so today that is exactly what I am doing. I could never have enough space to share with you all the photos of waterfalls I have collected together so here are just a few of my favourites.

My love of the most awesome of Mother Nature's gifts to us..obviously that's just my opinion..started when I was very young. I think it was linked to my fascination with mermaids and yes I know you don't see many mermaids lurking around waterfalls...unless you are lucky. lol. I feel centred when I'm near a fall..I can be sat next to one, walking up one, sitting under one or swimming near one..anyway they come...I'll be humming to myself with pure joy. The overwhelming sound of a full waterfall is like music to me. It's a rush..better than any

As that small child I had a dream of visiting every single waterfall across the world. As an adult I realise that isn't going to be possible..but it would've been something else, eh?

So first up we have the majestic Multnomah Falls in Oregon..

I would be sat on the rocks gazing up
You should see the smile I have whilst I'm writing this OK so next up is the very fantasy and dream like Watkins Glen Falls in NY State. Visiting this place is at the top of my bucket list...have to go there..I may

Yep..I could live
If I'm lucky enough to of my favourite dreams is being sat behind a waterfall..reading or just laying in peace. And when I found this photo of the next fall it felt like the one from my dreams. I have no idea where it if you recognise it please email me..

I would be happy behind the fall or sat out on the rocks..or paddling in the pools..Perfect.

And the final one for today's post is another one from Oregon..but again I don't know where exactly it once again..if you know..please share? lol

Just looking at this photo I can hear the falls calling me..

I take no credit for these stunning photos..they have been found via Internet searches or they have been sent to me by friends or family. And please feel free to send me any you think I would like..

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Wednesday is a good one?
