
Wednesday 16 May 2012

Art: Moon Over the Ocean

Lounge Play List:

Nickelback ~ Here and Now Album

Today has been a rubbish day in the Rocket and Rose household. And it doesn't look like it's going to get any better..Urgh. However I did have the most wonderful surprise from my lovely Mum. She is a life long artist and I have blogged about her work on here before under the Art a la Mum label.

She arrived for her regular Wednesday afternoon lunch and catch up. As she breezed into the lounge she was very distracted with pulling something out of her large over sized bag. She looked up and smiled and said "Hello.." and then promptly flung a A3 sized piece of paper at me in disgust. She attends a regular art class and this week their given medium was Acrylic..her most loathed medium. lol. The subject had to be Moon based...and as my Mum is her own worst critic of her own work..she completed the assignment..took it in to be told it was fantastic by the tutor! But in my Mums wasn't 'good enough'

So I unrolled this piece of paper and was completely sickened bowled over by the talent this woman has but just doesn't see it!! I love the moon over the ocean, paintings..and any medium it comes in. But as my own worst creative critic..I tend to be on the 'too' honest side of opinions with others when I said that I loved it..Mum huffed and said "It's not good..but if you think it is..keep it!" That is a win for me because I love it! lol.

Moon Over The Ocean ~ Yeah she's awful isn't she??? lol

So that is it for today..I intend on spending the rest of the day..with music and words..and maybe the odd movie. lol.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Wednesday is being very good to you?
