
Friday 6 April 2012

Some Like It Hot Fun

Workroom Play List:

Tango Classics

Yesterday afternoon I had a movie matinee moment. Years ago when I was a little nipper in the afternoons they used to show an afternoon movie matinee and if my Nan had finished her jobs she would make herself a cup of tea, grab her No 6's (old cigarette brand here in England) and we would snuggle up and watch the movie together. It's where my love of the old Black & White movies came from. She introduced me to all the greats..I fell in love with the glamorous women and stylish men and we would look at the TV listings with great anticipation of what was showing that day. Those times were priceless and the memories are very much cherished.

I have quite a collection of old movies and I enjoy them often. I especially like the ones that make me laugh. For that reason I found myself choosing Some Like It Hot yesterday afternoon...I was feeling a little blue (impending 40th birthday, side effects from meds low etc etc) and my choice was to watch a thriller (which I only get to watch when My Love isn't here..wuss! lol), drama or a feel good movie. I searched through the offerings on Netflix and couldn't make a decision..then a classics listing came up and there was the very excellent Some Like It Hot...and the decision was out of my hands. I do own this movie on DVD and VHS I think? lol. But as the movie started I snuggled up with the Sock Stealer and let Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe transport me away to Chicago and Florida. I would've loved to have travelled on one of those sleeper trains..maybe I still will? Where is that 40 things for my 40th list? lol  

And how I I always do especially to Jack Lemmon who I am a huge fan of..that man can make me laugh, cry and just hum happily...such talent. As Daphne he was superb..don't get me wrong Tony Curtis as Josephine was also brilliant but it's Jack that makes it for me every time. One of my favourite parts is the Tango scene which always make me howl with laughter..and after when he is back at the hotel shaking his maracas..timeless and me anyway. And I wanted to share it with you...

You have to admit..he rocks the stockings..the guy had great And I have to add Josephine's pout was hilarious.

There was one thing that saddened me though whilst I was watching this movie..Marilyn..not her herself but her shape. She was one of my Grandad's favourites because she had the curves and is still a favourite of My Love's and a good pal of ours even more so. But today an actress would be written off as too big or just plan (very rudely!!) fat. As she wiggled her way around the screen in her sexy dresses it hit me that society doesn't celebrate real women's's all about the skinniest bodies and size 0's. Very sad..Marilyn with all her curves was a beautiful woman...I wish there were more like her today...

*putting soap box away* lol. This movie is one of my all time favourites and always will be...

Thanks for stopping by...And I hope your Friday is a good one...
