
Saturday 21 April 2012

Lovely packages..

Lounge Play List:

Brandi Carlile ~ Give Up The Ghost Album

Well the lurgy is still in residence but I am actually fighting it off more quickly than I have in recent that's good, eh? I still have a sore and cracked nose that resembles...well..a very red and cracked thing. lol. Yep my brain's still a little foggy and my skin in a very pleasant yellow colour although that is meds side effects but I am at my four week breakthrough day today so keeping everything should be up, all the way from here. I made it Phew!

Anyway enough with how attractive I'm NOT looking right now and on to more pleasant things. One of my lovely pals bought me an Amazon voucher..oh how well she knows I love Amazon vouchers as I love to buy books (although mainly all my reading material comes from our local library these days..Support Your Local Library folks!) and have a few favourite authors that I just need to buy the books and know I don't have to give them up. I know when I am old and wrinkly I shall still be enjoying I also love to buy albums/CDs and I found the Used button last year and now enjoy sourcing the CDs for as little cost as possible. It a standing joke now between My Love and I about my 1p bargain CD purchases.

So when presented with a whole Amazon voucher all for spend on stuff from Amazon...Wow I was one happy chick! And I spent a very pleasant hour or two..amongst the sneezing, coughing and blowing, spending them.

My first item was the book Plate to Pixel by Helene Dujardin. This book was recommended to me when I started looking into learning more about food photography. I admit my camera skills are very basic and I constantly find myself cross with my photos..and this book had been sat in my Wish list awaiting its paper book publishing date. So now I shall sit and read it cover to cover and devour every single piece of information it gives up.

My second purchase was a CD that I have wanted for a while. I love the music and lyrics that comes from Brandi Carlile. I bought The Story album a couple of years ago and wasn't really getting it until I played it again last year and became addicted. lol. And having listened to Give Up The Ghost twice since it was delivered this morning..I know it wasn't a one album infatuation..I love this one too! Now if only she would tour over here...

My third and final purchases were two paperback novels. They were both the latest instalments in two series of books. Patricia Brigg's Fair Game and Ann Aguirre's Devils Punch. I know that I shall enjoy both books and again and again over the years. Lovely!

In all honesty I only read this series of Ann Aguirre's books..I have tried the Sci Fi series and have a couple of them but I'm not the biggest Sci Fi fan so they were lost on me. My Love did read them though and enjoy them. But what is lost on me in the Sci Fi series I more than make up for in this series. The central character is a supernatural with an unusual gift...Pure escapism.

 There are two series I follow in Patricia Brigg's catalogue of work. The Mercy Thompson series which is a Skin Walker and Were based series..very good in my opinion. Then there is The Alpha & Omega series..I first came across this series through a short story in a novella. Loved it and bought the novels. I'll say it again..Pure escapism..

I really wasn't expecting the delivery for these items until next week as I always use the Super Saver delivery method so it can take some But the postie was stood waiting with two parcels and how happy was I? lol. Simple lol. So thank you S for a lovely gift that I will get many years of enjoyment from...*hugs*

Today is also very special as it's our unofficial Anniversary..we met 11 years ago today and haven't looked back since. It seems like 5 minutes

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Saturday is a good one too...
