
Wednesday 11 April 2012

Early Birthday Surprises..

Workroom Play List:

Bruce Springsteen ~ Jungleland
Bing Crosby ~ Just An Echo in the Valley
Def Leppard ~ When Love and Hate Collide
PCD ~ Beep!
Natalie Merchant ~ King of May
Kanye West & Jamie Fox ~ Gold Digger
Randy Spendlove ~ Moon River
Thunder ~ Welcome to the Party

As you know I am almost 40..and I make no apologies for clinging to the almost for as long as I possibly can. lol. At least until midnight the night before my birthday...and then I shall become 18 plus 22 years experience. lol. Anyway...

On Monday I had a lovely Mum, who is a very talented artist, came round for a cuppa and had a big cheeky grin on her chops. After greetings were over and drinks orders placed with My brought in a bag and took out a couple of framed paintings. This is nothing unusual as she often brings down the pieces she's been working on..for my opinion and thoughts. I am one of those honest But the surprise was on me as she brought them over to me and with a big grin and wished me early birthday wishes. Apparently her and My Love had been in cahoots over the last

She handed me two paintings that she had been working on for the last month or so. I was delighted...

Moonlight Lady
Sadly my camera and photo skills don't do them justice but this one is such a deep midnight blue with silver highlights. And the detailing on her gown hasn't shown up much..which is a shame as the detailing is just beautiful. I love the artist Mucha and the silver framing surrounding her is a tribute to his work. I find the night enchanting so this midnight painting is just lovely.

Sunshine Lady
There were a few inspirations for this piece of work. I love Art Deco artwork and the sun rays in particular. The rosebuds surrounding her are symbolic of the rosebuds that were growing outside the hospital window when I was born. Daffodils are one of my favourite all time flowers and she is carrying a small bunch of them..again the photo doesn't pick that up. Also in the grass there are beautiful little sprouting flowers...

Paintings of women have always been my favourite artwork and our house is covered in them. Especially my Apparently my little niece Noo saw this when my Mum was working on it and declared it beautiful and wanted it for herself. And apparently told my Mum that is was me in the painting...the fact that I haven't straight auburn hair or brown eyes were lost on her. She's only 3 and not an art But she was determined it was

So maybe becoming *cou-40-gh* isn't going to be so bad...I have two new paintings to add to my collection and they are always treasured. It reminds me of being very little..when Mum and I lived with my Nan and Grandad and we shared a room. It was always covered in pencil drawings..and some my earliest memories are of her sat with her sketch pads.

I wanted to share them with you as they are too lovely not to! lol.

Thanks for stopping by..And I hope your Wednesday is a good one?
