
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Allotment and Green House Building Fun

Workroom Play List:

Shakira Play List on iPod

I'm back and I'm sorry I haven't blogged in the last two days. I had a very splendid birthday on Saturday and thank you for all your birthday wishes..they were lovely to receive. The party was really nice and it was great to see family and friends. I had some lovely surprises throughout the day and touching moments. I was good and stuck to my one glass of Champagne to go with the toast so I had no hangover on Sunday.

Sunday was also a very good day..we met up to have lunch with my Mum, My Love's parents, D & B, A & C and St at The New Inn for lunch. It is run by friends of a friend. The atmosphere was really chilled yet we were served really well and the meal was good. D & I had the Roasted Tomato Soup for our starter and then a very freshly cooked Vegetable & Kidney Bean Curry with for our main course. The chef had made an Apple Strudel for us vegans as a dessert but I didn't partake for reasons I will explain but D and my Mum had it and they said it was delicious with a citrus hit to it. Everyone else's meals were great but very not vegan so I will spare you the

This would have been a perfect lunch out if part way through the main course, my new side effects from the new higher dose of meds (which I had to start that morning! Timing or what?) hadn't of kicked in very severely. Bad news and it was commented that my colour drained from my face..Ah well..I survived but it was very disappointing.

Yesterday we were out for the day as My Love had promised to help a work colleague H with the building of her new greenhouse. She had recently taken over a new allotment plot and My Love had found a bargain on the Staff Notice Board for her. So the weather was beautiful..lovely blue skies with the odd fluffy cloud.

Beautiful and sunny views from my chair..Yes I remembered my camera! lol
As I am still on rest I took up a supervisory role..well..OK I sat on the sidelines in a directors chair with a book and my It was lovely to be sat out in the sun soaking up the much needed Vitamin D. My Love, H and her daughter E got to work readying the ground whilst I took some snaps.

The woods at the other side of the allotments looked like a nice walk someday...
H's plot is a 'half' plot but I think it's a perfect size and she's got great plans for potager style gardening. (You may have to look this up as a non-gardener it makes no sense to

Another view from my chair looking out across H's plot to the woods..
And once the slabs were in place for the corners of the green house..the work began...

It was great fun H looked splendid in her pink wellies..on the left.
Of course there were seasoned gardeners on hand to offer advice..of course that's when they could drag themselves away from their cuppas and gossiping. These two weren't that worried about anyone hearing them...

You can just about see them in the centre of the photo...two men stood chatting over the allotment fence. lol
Up until that moment it had been very pleasant sat there in my chair and then this happened.... seconds it went from being sunny to being extremely chilly. I was sat shivering...
But the workers kept on...
I had no choice but to retire to the car at this point as I wasn't feeling great to start with and the cold weather just made it worse. So I was snuggled up in the warm car with my iPod and my book...E came and joined me from time to time for a chat which was lovely.
She's one cool kid..

Look! It's almost a real green house! lol
We're thinking of hiring My Love out for green house building as it does seem to be a new skill and is called for

Smug and satisfied at a job well done! The workers rejoice!
Despite having a sticky sliding door moment the green house was completed and good to go. And the first guests were a box of mixed tomato plants...

So proud were they..they didn't want to leave! lol
After a quick tidy round it was back to H's house for lunch and what a lovely lunch it was. A richly flavoured Vegetable & Bean Soup that had red & green lentils, pinto beans and a selection of fresh veggies in a tomato and herb stock. Delicious and that was followed by a fresh salad bowl with balsamic vinegar on the side. H had really put a lot of effort into our lunch and had made a Fish Pie with no or low Salicylates in...My Love enjoyed two helpings of So thank you very much H @Ellie'sMummy on Twitter...

Then it was a mad dash into the city to try and do some errands but the fates were against us...and by the time we got home I had started with a very nasty lurgy which is fogging up my brain today...Urgh! But all in all a very lovely weekend and interesting Monday.

I am now going to eat some Lentil & Sniffle Soup (recipe from Eat, Drink & Be Vegan) which My Love has lovingly prepared for me and copious amounts of Lemon and Ginger Tea to ease my sore throat. And maybe watch an old movie or two...

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Tuesday is a good one?? *achoo!* lol
