
Thursday 8 March 2012

International Women's Day 2012

Workroom Play List:
Natalie Merchant ~ Ophelia
Rolling Stones ~ She's Like a Rainbow
Shania Twain ~ Up!
Natalie Imbrugia ~ That Day
Slash ft Rocco Deluca ~ Saint is a Sinner Too
Bing Crosby ~ Well Did You Evah?
Sarach McLachlan ~ Steaming
Bowes & Morley ~ Dancing The Night Away

Image from the web
Happy International Women's Day to one and all. My original post today was going to be another iPod fun one but then it suddenly occurred to me that it was indeed International Women's's really too important to not honour it.

I never fail to remember the brave women who paved the way for us to be living the way we do now. And they were very brave women who suffered unspeakable things in their fight. I think it's sad today that the younger generations don't really appreciate what they did for us.

The Suffragettes
One of my favourite women's rights posters was indeed this strong, sassy women that became an Icon. The women of WW2 proved that we could indeed do it!

Rosie the Riveter
The fight for female equality was taken up in the 60's/70's by the next wave of brave women and the Feminist Movement was born. Sadly to be called a feminist theses days is often used as insult. But I stand proudly and say I'm a's the same with everything in life..they will always be haters.

The 60's Feminist Movement
I disagree completely with the thought that all feminists are men haters. It's a sad and redundant attitude and is born out of ignorance and intolerance. Feminism to me is about equality between women and men. I was fortunate enough to have a fantastic male role model in my life who taught me that men can respect women and be equal. And he stayed with me throughout my childhood and into adult life. But it is a sad fact he was an exception to the rule as a lot of the men I grew up around were not nice men and believed in the 'women in her place'...this made me angry, sad and determined to try and make a better future for women. But I don't automatically assume that all men are going to be like them...I always hope the men I meet are going to be more like my role model. I think if he was still around today he would wear this badge with

Wise words, no?
Things have come such a long way but there is still so much more work to be done and I don't expect to see a time where there isn't...not in my lifetime anyway. But making that commitment to keep trying is what Women's Day is all about for me. To remember the very brave women who started it all...the women who kept going...and making the future generations of fantastic women to become aware of the work that still needs doing. Inspiring them to want better for every woman equally on the planet and not just themselves.

So I wish all my female readers Happy International Women's Day and be the best women you can be. And for my male readers I hope you are indeed men of quality and are celebrating with us today...and every day.

