
Tuesday 13 March 2012

Thumb Hole Mugs

Workroom Play List:

Mark Knopfler ~ Mademoiselle Will Dance
Joyce ~ Daqui
Nicola Benedetti ~ Bartholdy: Allegro motto appassionato
Heart ~ Tall, Dark, Handsome Stranger
Adam Ant ~ Puss in Boots
P!nk ~ Misery
P!nk ~ Funhouse
Richie Sanbora ~ River of Love

Image from the web...not my creation
For those of you that follow my blog will know that I have a collection of tea cups, espresso sets and some mugs. It's not a collection that is taking over the's all nicely displayed on one book shelf in my workroom..granted it is a large Ikea bookcase...Ahem!...but still it's nice for me to look at.

I don't just collect any old cup or mug...they have to have something a little different than the norm. Which is why this little beauty caught my eye whilst on the web. I love the simplicity of its design and as that's how I always hold my cups and mugs I thought it was perfect! lol. But it can't be bought...Darn! Apparently the website make you jump through have to register with them first...then put in a request for one...then wait until sufficent demand has been reached and then they will release them. And as you know I am not the most patient of my reaction was to click off their site and accept that I shall just have to admire the mug from afar and hope that one day the design will filter down through to regular manufacturers and then I might purchase one then.

Sometimes people make things so difficult they lose business...Ah well. Have you seen this design before? Or something similar? I would welcome any suggestions for alternative websites etc?

Feeling a little dreadful again today...I'm hanging in there but feeling a little lost in the pain. Only 8 days until the hospital appt...I hope something happens then...Gotta have

Lol..just as I was typing the above 'Smile' sung by Natalie cole played on my about getting a cosmic kick up the So I am now indeed smiling...reality check or what? lol

Thanks for stopping by...Hope your Tuesday is a good one?
