
Sunday 18 March 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Workroom Play List:

James Morrison ~ Fix The World Up For You
The Eagles ~ Peaceful, Easy Feeling
Shakira ~ She-Wolf
Thunder ~ Once In A Lifetime
KT Tunstall ~ Another Place to Fall
Edith Piaf ~ Non je ne regrette rien

Happy Mothers Day to all the well deserving Mothers in the UK
Here in England it is Mothering Sunday and it is a day that should be celebrated. But then I have a Mum who is lovely...and my sister is also a great Mum too. So the two of them should be spoilt rotten as far as I'm concerned. But then I also hold with not just showing your love and thanks on one day of the year but all year round and I do try to do that.

So what did I buy as a gift for my lovely Mum this year? Flowers? Like the virtual bouquet above? Nope. Chocolates? Nope..Mum's not that big on chocs. I bought my Mum three bottles of drawing

Windsor & Newton Drawing Ink ~ We bought the requested black, brown and metallic gold/bronze
I know..sentimental eh? lol. Well actually it is for me because my Mum is a very talented artist and having recently retired, has taken back the 'art love'. As a small toddler many of my first memories are of my Mum with large sketching pad sat on her knee as she was lost in drawing whilst she thought I was asleep. We had drawings all over our room that we shared. My Mum is also great at pottery and I have a few of her pieces around my house. She also made a lovely glass window hanging for me and one for my sister a few years ago..mine hangs proudly in my workroom window. It seems the woman can do anything she turns her hands too. Me? Did I pick up the arty gene? Nope..can't draw for toffee! lol.  I have very fond memories of her making up bedtime stories about Flinglebunt the pixie and then drawing some of the illustrations. Sadly though when she later remarried she virtually gave up her artwork as she raised my sister and brothers. So when she started to slowly pick up the love again it was a moment of great joy for me. It felt like she was becoming the Mum I knew again..silly isn't it? lol. But find the love she has indeed now and she is going from strength to strength. The passion to learn more and try new methods is a wonder to see. I have one of her paintings hung in my house and would happily display more. So we were very happy to buy the requested inks.

This was a commission piece..the first time Mum had ever drawn and painted a horse!
She made a fantastic 10 year anniversary card/painting for me for My Love. My Love is obsessed by the VW vans. And we also have that framed too. The woman is silly talented. lol. (Can you tell I'm a little proud of her? )

So Happy Mothers Day Mum and may you continue to spend many years enjoying the passion you have for artwork. We are all very proud of all your creations...and always will be. And Happy Mothers Day to my lovely sister who has spent the last 5 years exhausted and sleep You are also an amazing Mum and don't you ever forget that!

Thanks for stopping by...and I hope your Sunday is a very good one...
