
Monday 27 February 2012

Kim's Red Radish Tabbouleh

Kitchen Play List: Tan Dun & Yo-Yo Ma ~ Night Fight
                                     (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Sdtk)
                                     Patti Smith Group ~ Because The Night
                                     Jean Sablon ~ Je Sais Que Vous Etes Jolie
                                     Extreme ~ More Than Words
                                     Natalie Merchant ~ Break Your Heart
                                     Nicola Benedetti ~ MacMillian: From Ayrshire 1
                                     Rob Thomas ~ I Am An Illusion great plans for yesterday came to a crashing body just could not keep up with my brain..or maybe not my stubborn resolve to 'just get on with it regardless'. Lesson learnt. But it hasn't stopped me from pottering about today and even though it's taken me three hours to make my lunch...I did it! HA!

Today is really my first day on a completely Macrobiotic eating plan. I've been 50/50 since I made the decision to give it a try..simply because the cooking and planning at first seemed so overwhelming (seemed? totally is!) even for this passionate cook. I didn't feel it was fair to ask My Love to start to cook all the dishes needed as well as work so hard already. So I did what I could to make the changeover and ate regular vegan the rest of the times.

This morning I will admit was harder than I thought it would be. Although the recipes were just took me ten times the time to make the dishes needed for lunch but I did finally sit down with my Macro lunch and enjoyed every mouthful and I'm sure I'll find my pickle love eventually. lol. My lunch was a very tasty Red Radish Tabbouleh which was from a recipe I found in the cookbook Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Diet

And using the Healing Eating Plan from Brown & Brown's cookbook Modern Day Macrobiotics I ate it with a Steamed Veggie Salad which was kale, julienne carrots and radish which were steamed for 3 minutes and then 1/4 tsp Shoyu and 1/4 tsp Brown Rice Vinegar were drizzled over. This was so delicious and I even used my cheats 'practice' chop sticks to eat it and did very well. lol. I also had a tiny bowl of pickled gherkin which I sliced. There is photo of my lunch further down this posting. I enjoyed it all very much but I am still trying to break free of the Furhman mindset that grains are Bad! lol But I feel full and satisfied and as I said before I am sure I'll get used to the pickles...eventually. I chose pickles that were pickled in brine, garlic and dill..not the sugared vinegared kind. I do like those..too much! lol.

I take no credit for this recipe as it's Kim's and is taken from The Kind Diet. It was really good and completely diferent to how I thought it would taste. I usually find Tabbouleh hard work..maybe it's the garlic etc. Strange I know for this garlic lover. lol. But I enjoyed every mouthful and look forward to it tomorrow. The recipe says it serves 2 but I think that is very generous portions. I will divide into 3 next time I make it.

Kim's Red Radish Tabbouleh
Kim's Red Radish Tabbouleh Serves 2-3
(Recipe from The Kind Diet/Silverstone)

1/4 tsp sea salt
1 cup bulgar wheat
3 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil or to your personal taste/choice
1/2 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
2 scallions/spring onions, white & green parts, minced
1/2 cup thinly sliced red radishes

Bring 1 1/2 cups of water and the salt to a boil in a saucepan. Place the bulgar wheat and the boiling salted water in a heatproof bowl. Stir once, then cover the bowl with a plate and set aside until the grain has absorbed all the water, about 20 - 30 minutes.

Stir in the lemon juice, oil, parsley, scallions, and radishes and mix well. Add more lemon juice and salt to taste. Serve.

My Red Radish Lunch from the left ~ Red Radish Tabbouleh, Pickled Gherkin Slices and Steamed Veggies..Kale, Carrot and Radish with Shoyu & Rice Vinegar Drizzle. Delish!
Doesn't it look lush and colourful. It was a shame to eat it..well for a few seconds until I tried my first Now I have another two dishes to cook this afternoon if I can find my energy again. I have my stubborness *wink*
