
Tuesday 21 February 2012

Help? All those Salicylate folks out there...

Workroom Play List: Melissa Etheridge ~ Greatest Hits Album

Image found via internet search but he looks as pathetic as I feel
I need your help folks..well some of you. Well..any of you that are familiar with Salicylate Sensitivity hell. As those of you that follow my blog will know..My Love is Sali Sensitive and it is morphing quicker than we can get a handle on it. My call for help today is for anyone's homemade recipes for shampoo and conditioner. I have found a lot of vegan conditioner recipes but they all include apple cyder vinegar, olive oil or other not Sali free ingredients.

So far I have found a tooth brightener using Bicarb Soda alongside the usual Fennel Toothpaste. But we are really struggling with shampoo and conditioner as the supposedly Sali Free ones that you can buy over the counter (of which there!) are still causing an extreme reaction to My Loves face and body. I have found very basic recipes of Mashed Banana for a once a week conditioner and a Oaty based one. But My Love has long hair so needs one that can be used every other day. It's very overwhelming..

So here is a list of recipes I need to make...

Shower gel/stuff
Body Lotion

Non toiletry item...

Washing/Laundry Detergent

I know some of you out there are living with this Sensitivity and have offered us links and advice before about I call on you again. Any advice would be so welcome..

Thanks for stopping by..~R~