
Thursday 26 January 2012

Sunshine and the pain...

The sunshine and the pain..(Pic from Google Images ~R~)
It was such a lovely surprise to open the curtains this morning to a sunny morning. We've had a run of grey, drab and wet weather here..I know...I know! I live in England but it's not always that Seeing the sun shining made me think of all the spring things I would like to be doing and suddenly I wanted to make lists..hush...I know lists make some people scream in horror! I don't live my life by lists but I like to make them to ease my mind. I felt a spark of 'happy' fill my heart and then it was shortly followed by a deep stab of familiar pain. Suddenly things didn't look so sunny.

So I was left with a choice..I either gave in to this painful sadness and feel blue for the rest of this sunny day...or I make a choice to try and do things differently. I chose the latter and although I am in a staggering amount of pain I have set myself goals to achieve today. Not earth shattering goals and sadly not kitchen duties...but I can make a start on menu planning for the weekend...set up daily writing goals...research goals and finally...get my bloody lovely iTunes library under control. lol. Hopefully I will feel like I have achieved something by the end of today and not feel like the pain is in control of me. Grrrrrr....hear my resolve?? lol

Sunshine is barely there now as the clouds are started to slide back in place but my resolve is stronger than the sun today. And I am determined that no matter what I will make it into the kitchen this weekend.

Thank you for stopping by and staying with me...

~R~ aka 'I am determined...hear me roar!' lol