
Sunday 1 January 2012

New Years Cooking Disaster ~ New Years Pie 2012

Happy New Year to you all...I hope your celebrations went as planned. We saw 2012 in by watching Cowboys and Aliens and then Jools Holland's Hootananny. I experiemented with Strawberry Mojitos which were nice but way too sweet and then gave me a headache to see the New Year is that fair? lol. So I actually saw the year in with a good old fashioned Gin and Tonic whilst listening to Caro Emerald do her thing at the Hootananny. lol.

The New Year Pie for 2012
Today we were celebrating and my sister and her family were joining us for dinner at 1. We started well with freshly cooked baguettes with roasted garlic bulbs and the little ones had a cheesey option. For our main meal I cooked a New Year pie taken from a recipe I had used before but served at a Friends' Christmas gathering fashioned into a Christmas Tree shaped pie. The recipe is from Rose Elliot's Vegetarian Christmas. I had veganised it using vegan soya cheese the first time I made it. It went down a storm..was eaten quickly and was a fun element for the main course. Today we made it as a regular shaped pie with Happy New Year 2012 emblazoned across cooked well..It got a little too toasty at one corner but it was otherwise fine. Then I served it up to My Love, my sister, myself and the little ones....(My brother in law who is far from vegan tucked into a Chicken En Croute..) and we all served ourselves our veggies from the serving dishes...raised a glass to the New Year and tucked in. The veggies tasted great...the pie? Was awful! So awful that I dragged out the filling and just ate the sister ditched hers completely and scooped it into the empty parsnip dish (she looked so relieved to hear me say that I thought it was awful! Then got and shared her partner's En Croute. The little ones were of the same opinion and ate just their veggies. The only person who managed to eat their share was My Love who didn't mind the mushroomy filling but just thought it was "...a little sweet!" I thought 'disgusting' was more appropriate! Cooking disaster No 1 of 2012. Dessert saved the day and everyone enjoyed them and took seconds and thirds home with them.

Ah well...I have the first disaster out of the way and it can only get better from here, eh? lol. We have no idea why it wasn't right. It was made the same way as last time. Strange eh? I'm not even sharing the recipe but thought it might make you disasters happen to everyone.

I had a lovely afternoon with my sister and her family and it was nice to see our brother-in-law too. I wouldn't change a thing...well..OK..I would change the pie I'll be back tomorrow with a Top Ten Recipes of 2011 as viewed by the blog followers. Then I'll be back with the Mystery Ingredient Challenge Item recipe on Tuesday. The mystery ingredient this week is Hazelnuts...thanks to Callum for the suggestion.

Hope you are enjoying your New Years Day...