
Wednesday 18 January 2012

Fun with Fruit by fellow bloggers...

Sadly I am still on 'rest' so I've been spending a lot of time researching macrobiotic vegan foods..and when I'm up and running again I shall be trying some of it out. Very interesting stuff but not much to blog about

The resting is killing me....Urgh!
Some of my time has been spent on and I now have 43 boards? Could be more but feel free to come along and check them out. Click here for my link..

I have been filled full of the lush fresh fruit love and truly in awe at some of the fresh fruit creations 'Pinned' on there and here are just a few. Nature's jewels for sure...Hope you enjoy? ~R~
Fruti Kebobs ~  (Not a vegan site)
Fruit Tree ~ Ginger& (Not a vegan site)
Funny Fruit ~ Babble
Beautiful ~
Fruit Bouquet ~ Soutv's

Fruit Pops ~ Bakers Royale (Not a vegan site)

Are you drooling yet? lol