
Sunday 4 December 2011

A Sunday Brunch ~ Rocket and Roses Garam Masala Lentil Filled & Parsley and Garlic Mushroom Filled Pancakes

Kitchen Play List: BBC Radio 2 ~ Steve Wrights Sunday Love Songs

Good morning! I'm sat at my desk feeling a little blurry eyed...shame I didn't feel 'the tired' when I was wide awake at 5am lol. Typical. 

Yesterday we had a very busy fun filled family and good pals day. My Love, who is struggling with adapting to the new Salicylate Sensitivity hell was just exhausted after reacting to most of the things we ate yesterday. Poor thing. So when my 5am pain alarm clock hit, I decided to get up and clear up and then make us a lovely brunch. I wanted to make sure My Love had as 'Sally' free a meal as possible to start off the day. 

I am looking into the whole 'Sally' free or low food world and collating together information ready to start the move over to a dual menu kitchen come the New Year. At the moment My Love is working through the drug trials...*sighs* But in the New Year we can start to eliminate the high 'Sally' foods then the moderate etc. It's going to be difficult but having had some time to process the entire implications I am fairly confident we can make this work. But it is definitely going to be a dual menu kitchen. I will post the vegan 'Sally' low or free recipes on here when I get started. Well..actually...I guess I have started that this onto the

I decided to make pancakes and not the sweet kind. I made a pancake batter of chickpea flour and water..cooked them on my crepe pan and the first batch were a disaster. lol. So I made a fresh batch..sieving the flour and using slightly less water. And they came out really well. They cooked easily and stayed 'nice' keeping warm in the oven while I re-heated my fillings. A good start...

For the fillings I started with My Love's first and I kept it very simple. I had a pot of nice mushrooms, lots of fresh parsley and as My Love loves garlic and can still have garlic..I cooked them together in some rapeseed oil. (Now I would hate this dish...but My Love loves mushrooms..) The second filling was for me and I started with a red onion and a tin of green lentils and then just threw things into the pan as I went along. It was a very delicious filling and worked really well with the pancakes. 

Rocket and Roses Chickpea Flour Pancakes Made 5 7" pancakes
(Original recipe from the Rocket and Roses Vegan Kitchen)

20 tbsp sifted chickpea flour
18-20 tbsp fresh water

Sift the flour into a bowl and then add the 18 tbsp water and whisk until you have a smooth texture and then depending on how thin/thick you want your pancakes..add the extra 2 tbsp water. 

Using a 1/3 cup/80ml measure, pour the batter onto a very hot griddle/skillet or crepe pan. Tilt the pan then run the batter out to the 7" pancake size. Wait for a couple of minutes for it to cook underneath then flip it over and cook for 3 minutes. Flip once more and cook for 2 minutes and then place on parchment paper covered plate and keep warm in an oven on low until you have all 5 pancakes. 

Rocket and Roses Garam Masala Lentils filled Pancakes
Rocket and Roses Garam Masala Lentils Serves 1-2
(Original Recipe from the Rocket and Roses Vegan Kitchen)

1 tsp Rotina Healthier cooking oil
1 med red onion, peeled, quartered and sliced
1 garlic clove, grated
1 14oz tin of green lentils, rinsed and drained
1 14oz tin of chopped tomatoes
1 tsp garam masala
low sodium salt and freshly cracked black pepper to season to taste

In a skillet heat the oil and then saute the onion for 5 minutes or until softened. Add the garlic, chopped tomatoes and garam masala and over a high heat cook until the tomato liquid has cooked away. Then add the lentils and season and cook until the lentils are warmed through. 

These would be good as a topping for jacket potatoes, filling for a Tofu Omelette or just on their own in a bowl. ~R~ 

Rocket and Roses Parsley & Garlic Mushroom Filled Pancakes ~ Trust me they are in there! lol
Rocket and Roses Parsley & Garlic Mushrooms Serves 1
(Original recipe from the Rocket and Roses Vegan Kitchen)

A Salicylate Low or Free Recipe

10-12 mushrooms, prepped and cut into quarters
3 small garlic cloves
1/2 tbsp rapeseed oil
Good handful of fresh parsley, chopped
Pinch of low sodium salt

Heat the oil in a skillet and then add the garlic and saute until it is fragrant. Then add the mushrooms and stir well to coat them in the garlicy oil. Heat over a low heat stirring often until they begin to release their juices and darken. Season with a pinch of salt ~ Optional! Then toss in the parsley and stir well to combine. Cook for a further 2 minutes. 

To assemble the pancakes: Take a warmed pancake and spoon filling onto one half and then carefully fold over the pancake and place it on a warmed plate. It's all about keeping the whole things Then repeat with remaining pancakes and fillings. Serve...

Enjoy! Hope you are all having a good weekend? 