
Friday 2 December 2011

Rocket and Roses Celery, New Potato & Thyme Soup

Kitchen Play List: Bowes & Morley ~ Illogical Love
                                     ABBA ~ Waterloo
                                     Enrique ~ Escape 
                                     Luke Morley ~ Can't Stop the Rain
                                     The Gossip ~ Yr Tangled Heart
                                     Sara Sant'Ambrogio ~ Vocalise

NB: Ooops I wrote this blog (10.10.11) the first time I was well enough to start cooking properly after a nasty illness. We were detoxing after all the drugs (Medical not recreational folks! lol) I had had to take to get well and junk we had eaten with my incapacity and My Love ridiculous working hours. And it was a blissful day when I found my creative mojo so much so I forgot to post the recipe! lol. So here it is...~R~ 

Hooray! I'm feeling well enough to start experimenting in the kitchen again. lol. For the last few weeks we have eaten a lot of soups..thanks to the wonderful energy filling detox we have been doing. We are almost reluctant to come off of it, as our energy levels have improved greatly. But that's another story. I have been making a lot of other people's recipes for soup and have loved them all. They have been thick, chunky, brothy, smooth and many other variations. 

Today I wanted a smooth, thin soup. And as my creating goes...I had one vegetable in mind and started there. The humble celery was the experiment of choice. Choice? Not sure about that but that's what I started with. I had some new potatoes that needed to be used so the soup came together quite quickly from there. 

The results were a deliciously savoury soup. The celery is almost cleansing in taste and the potatoes give the soup the smoothness. I used dried thyme and that complements the celery perfectly. A simple soup but hit all the notes that I wanted this creation to. my creative kitchen mojo is back I can breathe a little better. lol. 

Rocket and Roses Celery, New Potato & Thyme Soup
Rocket and Roses Celery, New Potato & Thyme Soup
(Orignal recipe from the Rocket and Roses Vegan Kitchen) 

10oz celery, trimmed and sliced
1 tsp rapeseed oil
1 med onion, sliced and halved
8oz new potatoes, peeled and small dice
1 tsp dried thyme
30 fl oz veggie stock
15 fl oz hot boiling water
freshly cracked black pepper

In a soup pan heat the oil gently and toss in the celery and onion. Saute until softened. 

Add the potatoes and stir well to combine and cook for 3 minutes, stirring to avoid the potatoes catching on the bottom of the pan. 

Add the dried thyme and stir well to coat. Add the stock and boiling water and stir. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat to a simmer, cover and cook until the potatoes are tender. Approx 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and blitz until smooth.   
