
Thursday 15 December 2011

Mini Banana Muffins

Kitchen Play List: Shall We Dance ~ Movie Soundtrack Album

I'm back..well..kind of! As you will know if you are one of my regular readers (Thank you!) that I have been having some major technological problems. So bad, that I had to walk away or throw the laptop and all gadgets related against the nearest wall. And my webmaster..(My Love) thought that we had it all sorted out but alas..only partly. So I cannot bring you the Thrifty Thursday recipe today. All photos and information are currently being held hostage in a file.

I am getting a great deal of Expletive Therapy this week and there just isn't enough Chamomile Tea in the world to help keep me calm when these techno problems arise. I seriously think I repel all electronic gadgetry and I will admit it has pushed this woman to the very edge of sanity this week. It means not only can I not do my R & R blog but I can't write either. And unfortunately pen and paper just don't keep up with my mind. lol. Maybe that is the problem..I've worked my technology to a stand still! lol. 

Glorious Mini Banana Muffins
Yesterday I took a day off and had every intention of not entering my work room or the kitchen. But still found myself in the kitchen up to my ears in flaxseed goo, curdled soya milk and mashed bananas. lol. Why? Well, I had recently purchased a very cool 24 cup mini muffin silicone pan and I had a little stack of recipes to try out in it. But the main reason was I had found a Salicylate Low muffin recipe that I wanted to test out for My Love...who is struggling with eating anything at the moment. I wanted to put a smile on that face I love. 

They were light, fluffy and moist..just delicious.
I found the recipe during a web search for mini vegan cupcake recipes. The original recipe called for chocolate chips too but they were optional so I didn't use them. I made my own applesauce using Golden Delicious and water as they are the only apples My Love can eat now. Using the information we have, we think this is a Sally Low recipe and I'm pleased to report My Love didn't have any reactions to them at all and took some to work as a snack. lol. I think they are a keeper! lol. 

The website I found them on is and for the excellent recipe just click here

The gratuitous shot..well...why not, eh? lol
This time I used the oil and applesauce combo but Caroline does say that just using applesauce works really well too and gives you fat-free option. I also used all wholemeal flour and not the refined white flour/wholemeal mix option. I look forward to experimenting with this recipe and I hear walnuts calling to be used. lol. 

And the recipe says the batter makes 18 mini muffins..well I got 36 using a heaped tbsp as the measuring suddenly had to dive into my baking tin cupboard and drag out my original mini muffin 12 cup pan and start filling that one too! Ah well. lol 

So thanks to Danielle Foster@DivineCaroline for an excellent recipe! And I hope to bring you the Thrifty Thursday recipe as soon as I can. 


And please..if you are aware of Salicylates and I'm approaching this all wrong..please feel free to offer advice..I won't take offense. I want to learn..Red