
Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas Thoughts....and plans 2011

This is the photo on my personal FB page..I found it on a random image search and take no credit for it's creation. Whoever you are..thank you. This has made me smile many times ~R~
Like it or not the holiday season is upon us. And although I am a person without faith I embrace Christmas and celebrate it with my family and friends. The family that I grew up in wasn't a family that believed in any religion except for being good to each other. Christmas was always a time for family and enjoying being together. My Grandad would dress up as Father Christmas every year and give me and my cousins a present each on Christmas Eve and then the family would just enjoy the holiday week. It was about being together..putting aside the differences..enjoying good food, games, alcohol (adults not kids..obviously! Sheesh! lol) and music. And the music had to be fun! So I have great memories of Elton John, Shakin Stevens and Slade rocking me into Christmas. lol
Obviously as a child you don't realise the hard work that everyone went through, to have this lovely Mum and Nan with the cleaning, cooking and baking. My Grandad working long hours to pay for it. We weren't a house that gave in to the commercial side of Christmas..we had just..enough. Christmas was a family holiday and it was always fun. Maybe that is the way my brain remembers it all but that is the blissful small child glow on things..don't you think? That ended for me at 9 and I guess I've been striving for that Christmas 'family' feeling ever since. 

Our plans this year start with with a small ( have to economise this year!) gathering of our closest (local) friends and I cook a meal for everyone and we will play board games and enjoy some festive spirit in the form of wine. lol. I love these evenings...Friends...that are family! Christmas Day we will visit my sister and her family and give the little ones their gifts and stay for a while. Then it's back home for me and My Love and we eat alone and enjoy some downtime. Boxing Day we are spending some time with another good pal who is down visiting other friends. Not sure if I'll see my Mum over Christmas which is very sad. And hopefully my little brother is stopping by for a visit. And we have plans to catch up with other friends through the Christmas week.

There is a new event this year..the little ones are now old enough to really get the 'Christmas Fun' and as Christmas Eve falls on a Saturday this year they are still coming over and we are being joined by the other little one J and we are hosting a Christmas Eve party for them. Christmas Pass the Parcel, Pin the Ivy on the Xmas Pud, Christmas musical chairs...and bumps at J's request. lol. They are also decorating Christmas cookies to take home with them. I'm making a huge Mac & Cheese for lunch as that's one of their favourite meals..served with garlic bread..another favourite..and a tomato and pepper salad..also a favourite. Then no doubt there will be the watching of Ice Age Christmas Movie. And then we'll wrap them up and send them home with their parents...and My Love and I will collapse in a heap..

So as I am no doubt currently buried in the kitchen making all the lovely food for the coming days...I thought I would share with you the Sprout Wreath as I love it so much and a brief thought or two about what the holidays mean for me. I'll be back tomorrow with recipes and photos...I hope whatever you are doing are safe and well...
