
Tuesday 29 November 2011

Rocket and Roses Jerusalem Artichoke & Roasted Vine Ripened Tomato filled Sandwich

Kitchen Play List: When Harry Met Sally ~ Soundtrack Album

When I received an email from a chap called Zane asking me for ideas for using up a bag of Jerusalem Artichokes I was delighted..and very happy to help. And so, the lovely ugly little vegetable is my Mystery Ingredient Challenge Item for this week. They are crisp and nutty and absolutely no relative to the potato and are definitely not artichokes nor have any link to Jerusalem. They are some distant relation to the sunflower 

Rocket and Roses Jerusalem Artichoke & Roasted Vine Ripened Tomato filled Sandwich..with Rocket Salad and Balsamic Dressing on the side.
In all honestly I have only ever cooked Jerusalem Artichokes in a very lovely soup. But I have also found out that grated/thinly sliced into a salad they are tasty too. I even found a recipe for Jerusalem Artichoke Chips/Crisps..of course..that was after I had used up my bag of them! Typical..Oh well probably not the healthiest way of enjoying them anyway. lol. 

When I was sat at my desk looking at them in the little brown bag that they came in,  I kept visualising a sandwich. Odd! As we really don't eat sandwiches that often. 

Not the most attractive little blighters...but very tasty! lol Jerusalem Artichokes.
But in my mind was a glorious wholewheat roll with a schmear of creamy Jerusalem Artichoke spread and..well..that was it..I couldn't quite visualise the rest. Darn it! lol. I really didn't want to complete the sandwich with the good old..but no less delicious...lettuce and salad ingredients. I wanted something a little different. We had enjoyed some rather lovely vine ripened cherry tomatoes a few weekends ago as part of a Kebab. I can usually take or leave roasted tomatoes as I have issues with the skins..I's been said before..I'm strange! lol. But on this occasion I had enjoyed them greatly and suddenly my sandwich was complete. Jerusalem Artichoke filling topped with roasted vine ripened tomatoes. Now all I had to do was create the 

I wanted to keep the filling as basic as possible and wanted it to stay as true to the natural flavour of the Jerusalem all over ingredients had to be a neutral flavour or an enhancement. And I think I achieved it..and it's a very easy spread to make.

The results were a beautiful sandwich that had a intense creamy filling with a refreshing and juicy element from the roasted tomatoes. I skinned mine before I added them to my sandwich and they held together perfectly. I know I'll be making this again...I served them with a simple Mixed Rocket and Baby Red Leaf Salad and a white Balsamic dressing on the side.

Up close and tasty..creamy Jerusalem Artichoke filling with succulent roasted vine tomatoes..Yum!
Rocket and Roses Jerusalem Artichoke & Roasted Vine 
Ripened filled Sandwich  
(Original recipe from the Rocket and Roses Vegan Kitchen)

For the Artichoke filling:
4oz Jerusalem Artichoke, peeled and diced
1 14oz tin of Haricot Beans, rinsed and drained
1 small garlic clove, grated
4 tbsp cooking water
Low sodium salt and freshly grated black pepper to season

4 med-lg vine ripened tomatoes, washed, halved horizontally across
pinch of low sodium salt
abundance of freshly grated black pepper
1 tsp rapeseed oil to drizzle across the tops

4 deli style bread rolls, wholewheat, Gluten Free or White..choice is yours! lol 

Place the artichoke and garlic into a small saucepan and 'just' cover with boiling water. Bring to a boil over a med heat and then cover with a lid and cook until the artichoke pieces are soft. 
Drain the vegetable through a fine mesh sieve and save the cooking water. 

Place the drained haricot beans, artichoke pieces and garlic into a food processor and pulse to break down the pieces. With the motor running add tbsp of the cooking water one at a time..4 made it into a creamy consistency for my batch. Season with salt and black pepper to your own taste. Spoon into a container that has an airtight lid..leave to cool then cover and refigerate until required. 

Rocket and Roses Jerusalem Artichoke Spread ~ Creamy and tasty!
Turn on oven and heat to approx 400'/200'/Gas Mark . Then place the tomato halves with the cut side facing up into a baking dish. Sprinkle them with the salt and grind plenty of black pepper over them. Then drizzle them with the tsp of oil. Place them into the hot oven and leave to cook until they a become wrinkled and slightly browned. Remove them from the oven and leave to cool on a rack so that all juices can soak release onto a plate. 

Roasted Vine Ripened Tomatoes..cooling and draining..a thing of beauty!
When ready to assemble. Heat a large skillet and slice the rolls in half horizontally and place the cut side down onto the skillet to brown and toast slightly. Remove from the pan and repeat until all rolls are toasted. Schmear a good helping of the Jerusalem Artichoke filling across the bottom part of the rolls. Then place two pieces of tomato onto top and then cover with the top of the rolls and serve...

And a huge thank you to Zane for emailing me and asking for help...Hope you enjoy this recipe and if you want the Jerusalem Artichoke Soup recipe...drop me another email, eh? lol
