
Sunday 20 November 2011

A Lovely Birthday Cake Display

We have just arrived home after spending the day celebrating My Love's birthday with our friends. It was a small affair..just the 8 of us met up for brunch at a cafe in the city. The reason for the lunch was for My Love's one and only birthday request...Kippers! I know..I'm right there with you but birthday wishes trump everything. So we all enjoyed our brunch...I was surrounded by meat and fish eaters...just my pal D and I were the only vegans and to be honest the cafe wasn't that vegan friendly..I ended up eating a Houmous, Carrot and Red Pepper Ciabata Sandwich with a salad and dressing for breakfast. Not awful by any stretch of the imagination but it was a strange breakfast lol. I did fill out the customer card and requested a vegan dish to be added to the brunch menu. But a lovely time was had by all and we then took a quick tour of the adjoining shop to the cafe. Where things were very lovely but you would need to remortgage your house to shop there. Ah well. 

Our friends D & B had kindly agreed to host the Tea and Birthday Cake part of the day so we all decamped to their house. Where more friendly chatter and laughs were had and My Love enjoyed a relaxing time. Tea was made and poured and then D came through to join us with a lovely surprise...she had arranged the Vanilla & Lemon Curd Cake and the Gingerbread Cupcakes on a lovely cake stand. It was quite a beautiful moment and being the star that she is, she had taken some snaps of it before she had brought it here are the fab photos...I had to share them with you..well it would've been rude not too! lol 

A Lovely Birthday Cake Stand
It was a lovely day and My Love enjoyed every relaxing second of far being 41 hasn't been too shabby! lol

Look at those pretty! lol
Everyone who had cake enjoyed every work here is done until the next birthday comes around..which is D's and it's very soon. And Green Tea Cup Cakes are the cake of choice this year..good choice! lol. 

And one final shot of the cakes...There are none left..says it all, eh? lol
A huge and hearty thanks go out to D & B for hosting a lovely Tea and Cake afternoon...and I have to say it was just so good being with our pals...and then of course there was the Drum lesson...where My Love was let loose with a drum kit with D's care and instruction and B & I played supportive roles on the Shekerie and the Tambourine..great times. 

Hope you all had as great a Sunday..