
Thursday 13 October 2011

Turkish-style Aubergine and New Potato Casserole

Kitchen Play List: Halfway to the Grave ~ J.Frost CD Book

I had two plump aubergines to use up and wanted to make something new with them. So I had a look through my recipe library and found this one. The photo in the book was very deceiving as the casserole looked rich, aromatic and..well..erm..juicy. lol. No really, it did! I should know better, as I know that the photos in cookbooks very rarely match the end product. Ah I set about the prep and got lost in the chopping...I's therapeutic for me. 

You need a very large skillet/pan for the initial stages of this recipe and quite a sizeable casserole dish. But once you have done the prep it all comes together quite quickly. I forgot to add the peas so cooked them off and put them on at the end..I think it shows on the photo. lol. 

With the selection of veggies in this recipe it was always going to be tasty but though it didn't turn out as rich as I thought it did turn out very aromatic. A delicious mix of cinnamon, cumin and paprika leave you with a pleasant tasting vegetable casserole. 

It won't win any awards for it's looks...but the aroma and taste really do make up for that!
Turkish-style Aubergine & New Potato Casserole
(Recipe found in 500 Greatest-Ever Vegetarian Recipes)

4 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
2 sm-med aubergines, cut into small dice
4 courgettes, cut into small chunks
1 green pepper, seeded and chopped
1 red or yellow pepper, seeded and chopped
4oz/1 cup of fresh or frozen peas
4oz french beans, chopped
1lb new potatoes, cubed
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp paprika
5 tomatoes, halved, deseeded and chopped
1 14oz tin of chopped tomatoes
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
4 garlic cloves, crushed
12fl oz veggie stock
salt and ground black pepper to taste
black olives to garnish - optional

Preheat the oven to 375'F/190'C/Gas Mark 5. Heat 3 tbsp of the oil in a heavy based pan. Add the onion and fry over a medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 5-7 minutes, until golden.

Add the aubergines, saute for about 3 minutes, then add the courgettes, peppers, peas, beans and potatoes. Stir in the cinnamon, cumin and paprika and season to taste with salt and pepper. Continue to cook for 3 minutes, stirring all the time. Transfer to a casserole dish.

Mix the fresh and tinned tomatoes in a bowl. Stir in the parsley, garlic and the remaining olive oil. 

Pour the stock over the aubergine mixture, and spoon the prepared tomato mixture over the top.

Cover and bake for 30-45 minutes, until the vegetables are tender. Serve immediately, garnished with black olives and parsley. 
