
Friday 21 October 2011

Thai Mixed Vegetable and Tofu Curry

Kitchen Play List: Kelly Rowland ~ Work on repeat! lol 

A warning: Mussaman Curry Paste increases with heat the longer it is stored. By increase..I mean it gets OMG Hot...even My Love the chilli heat addict was staggered by how hot tonight's curry was! lol ~R~

Now today's play list is very short, for the simple reason I needed a song that would keep me moving and for some reason this song Ms Rowland made with the Freemasons does just that. So I probably listened to it 50 times whilst making this curry and making a Caulilflower & Parsley Soup. Strange? Probably lol. 

This curry was very easy to make. Prepping the veggies was the hardest part and I enjoy that..told ya..strange! lol It used up the Mussaman Curry Paste from the Potato and Carrot Curry I posted a couple of days ago. This curry also had galangal root which is funny little thing to work with. But the curry came together quickly and looked and smelt delightful. The kitchen windows steamed up and the kitchen and my workroom filled with the gorgeous smell of the spices and coconut milk. Lovely. 

We really enjoyed this curry after we got over the shock at how much the paste had heated up. One to remember for sure! lol. And even though I'm still learning to love the tofu pieces in meals I could see why they are in the recipe...adds another texture to the meal. 

This is the last Thai meal from the few selections I made, as an experiment into Thai cuisine,  from Linda Majzlik's wonderful cook book A Vegan Taste of Thailand 

Thai Mixed Vegetable & Tofu Curry
Thai Mixed Vegetable and Tofu Curry 
(Recipe from A Vegan Taste of Thailand/Majzlik)

8oz/225g firm tofu, diced
6oz/175g carrot, peeled and cut into matchsticks
4oz/100g white cabbage, shredded
4oz/100g green beans, topped, tailed and cut into 1/2" lengths
4oz/100g red pepper, sliced
4oz/100g cauliflower, cut into tiny florets
2oz/80g baby sweetcorn, cut into diagonal slices
4 shallots, peeled and finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1" piece of galangal, finely chopped
2 rounded tbsp mussaman curry paste 
1 tbsp ground nut oil
8 cardamom pods, husked and seeds separated or 3/4 tsp ground cardamom 
4 kaffir lime leaves
1/2 tsp tumeric
black pepper
6 fl oz veggie stock
5 fl oz coconut milk
1 dsp cornflour
chopped roasted nuts for garnish - opt
chopped fresh coriander for garnish - opt

Fry the shallots, garlic and galangal in the oil for 3 minutes, then add the curry paste and tumeric and stir around for a minute. Now add the carrot, cabbage, green beans, red pepper, cauliflower, baby sweetcorn, cardamom seeds, lime leaves and veggie stock. Season with black pepper and stir well, bring to the boil, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Put in the tofu and continue cooking for about 5 minutes until the veggies are done. Mix the cornflour into the coconut milk until smooth and stir into the curry. Continue cookng for a minute or so until the sauce thickens, then transfer to a warmed serving dish and garnish with the chopped peanuts and coriander.

Close up of the delicious hotness! lol