
Sunday 16 October 2011

A Sunday Brunch ~ Scrambled Tofu with Lentils on Gluten Free Brown Toast

Kitchen Play List: Adele ~ 21 Album

Well Happy Sunday I wasn't going to be posting a Brunch recipe because I'm really enjoying the smoothie breakfasts but it seemed fate was going to step in, smack me upside the head and remind me how much I enjoyed the cooked Sunday Brunch. Can't argue with fate, eh? lol. 

I decided to keep it nice and easy as I was late getting started with it. I turned to Isa Chandra Moskowitz's Vegan Brunch and used the basic tofu scramble recipe as a starting point. I like the basic scramble on its own very much but today I wanted a little something else so I rinsed and drained one tin of green lentils and threw them in. I haven't had bread for nearly a month now and I have to say, my tummy likes this! lol. But today I was craving the comfort of toast and I remembered I had some slices of gluten-free bread in the freezer. Oh yeah! lol. 

It turned out to be a huge brunch serving today but we enjoyed every mouthful and I don't think either of us will be able to eat another thing until this evening! lol. I'm sorry about the poor quality photo..I seem to be having camera issues at the moment. They will improve..I hope? lol

Isa's Tofu Scramble with Green Lentils on gluten free brown toast
Tofu Scramble with Green Lentils Serves two very hungry tums
(Tofu recipe from Vegan Brunch/Moskowitz)

1 pkt of Cauldron Tofu, squeezed of water and crumbled
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tbsp oil
1/4 cup/4tbsp Nutritional Yeast
fresh black pepper to taste
Spice mix:
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp dried thyme, crushed between your fingers
1/2 tsp tumeric
salt to taste
3 tbsp water

1 14oz green lentils, rinsed and drained well

2-4 slices of gluten free brown bread or bread of choice

First blend the spices and salt together in a cup and then add the water and mix to a paste. 

Preheat a large skillet over a medium high heat. Saute the garlic in the oil for about a minute. Add the tofu and saute for a min of 10 minutes, stirring often. Over the 10 minutes the tofu should lightly brown. If your tofu is releasing water then turn the heat up and let it evaporate off. 

Add the spice blend and mix to combine. Add the nutritional yeast and stir well to combine. Then add the drained green lentils and once again stir well to combine. Then cook for 5 minutes. Put your bread in the toaster at this point. 

Serve over the toast and enjoy! Once again thank you to Isa for a great cookbook...
