
Wednesday 14 September 2011

My Red Gerberra and Sunflower Bouquet

A lighter posting today 

My bright and beautiful
My Love came home from a very long day at work yesterday and was tired and completely brain weary after back to back meetings. But despite this, still managed to stop of a flower shop and buy me a beautiful bouquet of Red Gerberra's and Sunflowers...two of my favourite flowers. (I know they weren't the cheap garage flowers because of the wrappings *wink*lol) I have been having a rough time with my health of late and feeling a little sad so the flowers were to say...Hang in there and I love you. My Loves a keeper, eh? lol. 

A slightly different angle
They made me smile so much and are so beautiful that I wanted to share them with you. So if they make you smile even just for a second it was worth the post. 

A perfectly beautiful Red Gerberra...
Aren't they splendid? lol Hope you enjoyed them too? 

A camera shy sunflower bud hiding behind a There are five sunflower buds in the bouquet.
Ah to the doctors again I